„wt32pamon.ino“ ändern
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ int IO4_REF = 4;
WebServer server(80);
// Select the IP address according to your local network
//IPAddress myIP(192, 168, 88, 247);
//IPAddress myGW(192, 168, 88, 1);
//IPAddress mySN(255, 255, 255, 0);
IPAddress myIP(192, 168, 1, 100);
IPAddress myGW(192, 168, 1, 1);
IPAddress mySN(255, 255, 255, 0);
IPAddress myDNS(192, 168, 1, 1);
// Google DNS Server IP
//IPAddress myDNS(8, 8, 8, 8);
// Reads a file from SPIFF and returns its content as a string
String readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){
Serial.printf("Reading file: %s\r\n", path);
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ String readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){
return ret;
// Takes a string and writes it to a file on SPIFF
void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){
Serial.printf("Writing file: %s\r\n", path);
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ bool is_val_out_of_bounds(int mv, bool fwd){
int key_a = 0;
int key_b = 0;
// searches for the first key (voltage) that has a value (dBm)
for (int i=0; i<3300; i++) {
if (fwd) {
stored_val = fwd_array[i];
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ bool is_val_out_of_bounds(int mv, bool fwd){
// searches for the last key (voltage) that has a value (dBm)
for (int i=3299; i>0; i--) {
if (fwd) {
stored_val = fwd_array[i];
@ -130,15 +133,16 @@ bool is_val_out_of_bounds(int mv, bool fwd){
int lowerkey = min(key_a, key_b);
int higherkey = max(key_a, key_b);
//Serial.println("lowerkey: " + String(lowerkey) + "higherkey: " + String(higherkey));
int lowerkey = min(key_a, key_b); // takes both values found above and assigns the lower key
int higherkey = max(key_a, key_b); // takes both values found above and assigns the higher key
// returns false if given voltage is between the lowest and highest configured voltages
// returns true if voltage is out of bounds
if (lowerkey <= mv and mv <= higherkey)
return false;
else {
return true;
// takes a voltage value and translates it
@ -225,13 +229,15 @@ double millivolt_to_dbm(int mv, bool fwd)
double lowerkey = min(lastkey, nextkey);
double higherkey = max(lastkey, nextkey);
double lowerval = min(lastval, nextval);
double higherval = max(lastval, nextval);
double diffkey = max(lastkey, nextkey) - min(lastkey, nextkey);
double diffval = max(lastval, nextval) - min(lastval, nextval);
double result = 0;
if (ascending) {
result = lowerval + ((diffval / diffkey) * (mv - lowerkey));
} else {
@ -243,22 +249,27 @@ double millivolt_to_dbm(int mv, bool fwd)
// read voltages from both input pins
// calculates avaerage value of 20 measurements
// calculates avaerage value of 50 measurements
void read_directional_couplers()
int voltage_sum_fwd = 0;
int voltage_sum_ref = 0;
for(iii=0; iii<50; iii++) // Take 50 samples and save the highest value
// Takes 50 samples and sums them up
for(iii=0; iii<50; iii++)
{ voltage_sum_fwd += analogReadMilliVolts(IO2_FWD);
voltage_sum_ref += analogReadMilliVolts(IO4_REF);
voltage_fwd = voltage_sum_fwd/50; // use peak voltage for processing
// calculate the average value by deviding the above sum by 50
voltage_fwd = voltage_sum_fwd/50;
voltage_ref = voltage_sum_ref/50;
// calculate the dBm value from the voltage based on the calibration table
fwd_dbm = millivolt_to_dbm(voltage_fwd, true);
ref_dbm = millivolt_to_dbm(voltage_ref, false);
// calculate watt from dBm
fwd_watt = dbm_to_watt(fwd_dbm);
ref_watt = dbm_to_watt(ref_dbm);
@ -353,20 +364,33 @@ void handleDATA() {
bool fwd_oob = is_val_out_of_bounds(voltage_fwd, true);
bool ref_oob = is_val_out_of_bounds(voltage_ref, false);
String output = fwd_watt_str + ";" + fwd_dbm_str + ";" + voltage_fwd_str + ";" + ref_watt_str + ";";
output += ref_dbm_str + ";" + voltage_ref_str + ";" + vswr_str + ";" + rl_str + ";" + band + ";";
output += String(vswr_threshold) + ";" + antenna_name + ";" + vswr_beep + ";";
output += config.getString(String("max_led_pwr_fwd").c_str()) + ";" + config.getString(String("max_led_pwr_ref").c_str()) + ";";
output += config.getString(String("max_led_vswr").c_str()) + ";" + String(fwd_oob) + ";" + String(ref_oob) + ";";
output += config.getString(String("show_led_fwd").c_str()) + ";" + config.getString(String("show_led_ref").c_str()) + ";" + config.getString(String("show_led_vswr").c_str());
// Generate a semicolon seperated string that will be sent to the frontend
String output = fwd_watt_str + ";"; // data[0]: FWD power in Watt
output += fwd_dbm_str + ";"; // data[1]: FWD dBm value
output += voltage_fwd_str + ";"; // data[2]: FWD voltage
output += ref_watt_str + ";"; // data[3]: REF power in Watt
output += ref_dbm_str + ";"; // data[4]: REF dBm value
output += voltage_ref_str + ";"; // data[5]: REF voltage
output += vswr_str + ";"; // data[6]: VSWR value
output += rl_str + ";"; // data[7]: RL value
output += band + ";"; // data[8]: band (e.g. "70cm")
output += String(vswr_threshold) + ";"; // data[9]: VSWR threshold (e.g. "3")
output += antenna_name + ";"; // data[10]: // Name of antenna (e.g. "X200")
output += vswr_beep + ";"; // data[11]: should it beep if VSWR is too high? (true/false)
output += config.getString(String("max_led_pwr_fwd").c_str()) + ";"; // data[12]: highest value in Watt for the FWD LED graph (e.g. "100")
output += config.getString(String("max_led_pwr_ref").c_str()) + ";"; // data[13]: highest value in Watt for the REF LED graph (e.g. "1")
output += config.getString(String("max_led_vswr").c_str()) + ";"; // data[14]: highest value in Watt for the VSWR LED graph (e.g. "3")
output += String(fwd_oob) + ";"; // data[15]: Is the FWD voltage out of bounds? (true/false)
output += String(ref_oob) + ";"; // data[16]: Is the REF voltage out of bounds? (true/false)
output += config.getString(String("show_led_fwd").c_str()) + ";"; // data[17]: Show the FWD LED bar graph? (true/false)
output += config.getString(String("show_led_ref").c_str()) + ";"; // data[18]: Show the REF LED bar graph? (true/false)
output += config.getString(String("show_led_vswr").c_str()); // data[19]: Show the VSWR LED bar graph? (true/false)
server.send(200, "text/plane", output);
// main function for displaying the configuration page
// invoked by the "configuration" button on the dashboard page
void handleCONFIG() {
if (conf_textareas == "") {
@ -474,7 +498,6 @@ void handleMODTRANS() {
String fwd_of_array = "";
for (int i=0; i<sizeof fwd_array/sizeof fwd_array[0]; i++) {
if (fwd_array[i] != 0){
@ -483,7 +506,6 @@ void handleMODTRANS() {
writeFile(SPIFFS, String("/" + band + "fwd.txt").c_str(), fwd_of_array.c_str());
String ref_of_array = "";
for (int i=0; i<sizeof ref_array/sizeof ref_array[0]; i++) {
if (ref_array[i] != 0){
@ -491,10 +513,12 @@ void handleMODTRANS() {
writeFile(SPIFFS, String("/" + band + "ref.txt").c_str(), ref_of_array.c_str());
// resets all vlaues in the FWD and REF array
void clear_fwd_ref_array(){
for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(fwd_array) / sizeof(fwd_array[0]); x++)
@ -503,8 +527,10 @@ void clear_fwd_ref_array(){
// after the user edited the calibration table via the frontend,
// this function takes the resulting string, detonates it and
// writes all rows into an array
void save_string_to_array(String table_data, double arr []){
int r=0,t=0;
for(int i=0;i<table_data.length();i++)
@ -591,8 +617,8 @@ void setup()
// Static IP, leave without this line to get IP via DHCP
// Static IP, leave without this line to get IP via DHCP
//ETH.config(myIP, myGW, mySN, myDNS);
Reference in New Issue
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