#include #include "morse.h" #include "nano_gui.h" #include "setup.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ubitx.h" /** Menus * The Radio menus are accessed by tapping on the function button. * - The main loop() constantly looks for a button press and calls doMenu() when it detects * a function button press. * - As the encoder is rotated, at every 10th pulse, the next or the previous menu * item is displayed. Each menu item is controlled by it's own function. * - Eache menu function may be called to display itself * - Each of these menu routines is called with a button parameter. * - The btn flag denotes if the menu itme was clicked on or not. * - If the menu item is clicked on, then it is selected, * - If the menu item is NOT clicked on, then the menu's prompt is to be displayed */ static const unsigned int COLOR_TEXT = DISPLAY_WHITE; static const unsigned int COLOR_BACKGROUND = DISPLAY_BLACK; static const unsigned int COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND = DISPLAY_NAVY; static const unsigned int COLOR_SETTING_BACKGROUND = DISPLAY_NAVY; static const unsigned int COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER = DISPLAY_WHITE; static const unsigned int COLOR_INACTIVE_BORDER = COLOR_BACKGROUND; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_X = 10; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_Y = 10; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_WIDTH = 300; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_HEIGHT = 220; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_X = 12; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_Y = 12; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_WIDTH = 296; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_HEIGHT = 216; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_X = LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_X; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_Y = LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_Y; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_WIDTH = LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_WIDTH; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_HEIGHT = 35; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_X = 30; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_Y = LAYOUT_TITLE_Y + LAYOUT_TITLE_HEIGHT + 5; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH = 260; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT = 30; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y = LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT + 1; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_X = LAYOUT_ITEM_X; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_Y = LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + 3*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_WIDTH = LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_HEIGHT = LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_X = 20; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_Y = LAYOUT_ITEM_Y; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_WIDTH = LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_HEIGHT = LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_Y - LAYOUT_ITEM_Y - 1; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_X = 20; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_Y = LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + 5*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_WIDTH = LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_HEIGHT = LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT; void displayDialog(const char* title, const char* instructions){ displayClear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); displayRect(LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_X,LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_Y,LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_WIDTH,LAYOUT_OUTER_BORDER_HEIGHT, COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER); displayRect(LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_X,LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_Y,LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_WIDTH,LAYOUT_INNER_BORDER_HEIGHT, COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER); strncpy_P(b,title,sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_TITLE_X, LAYOUT_TITLE_Y, LAYOUT_TITLE_WIDTH, LAYOUT_TITLE_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND, COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER); strncpy_P(b,instructions,sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_X, LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_Y, LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_WIDTH, LAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_BACKGROUND, TextJustification_e::Left); strncpy_P(b,(const char*)F("Push Tune to Save"),sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_X, LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_Y, LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_WIDTH, LAYOUT_CONFIRM_TEXT_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_BACKGROUND); } struct SettingScreen_t { const char* const Title; const char* const AdditionalText; const uint16_t KnobDivider; const int16_t StepSize;//int so that it can be negative void (*Initialize)(long int* start_value_out); void (*Validate)(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out); void (*OnValueChange)(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t buff_out_size); void (*Finalize)(const long int final_value); }; void runSetting(const SettingScreen_t* const p_screen) { SettingScreen_t screen = {nullptr,nullptr,0,0,nullptr,nullptr,nullptr,nullptr}; memcpy_P(&screen,p_screen,sizeof(screen)); displayDialog(screen.Title, screen.AdditionalText); //Wait for button to stop being pressed while(btnDown()){ active_delay(10); } active_delay(10); long int raw_value = 0; long int last_value = 0; screen.Initialize(&last_value); screen.OnValueChange(last_value,b,sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_X, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_Y, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_WIDTH, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND, COLOR_BACKGROUND); raw_value = last_value * (int32_t)screen.KnobDivider; while (!btnDown()) { int knob = enc_read(); if(knob != 0){ raw_value += knob * screen.StepSize; } else{ continue; } const long int candidate_value = raw_value / (int32_t)screen.KnobDivider; long int value = 0; screen.Validate(candidate_value,&value); //If we're going out of bounds, prevent the raw value from going too far out if(candidate_value != value){ raw_value = value * (int32_t)screen.KnobDivider; } if(value == last_value){ continue; } else{ screen.OnValueChange(value,b,sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_X, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_Y, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_WIDTH, LAYOUT_SETTING_VALUE_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND, COLOR_BACKGROUND); last_value = value; } } screen.Finalize(last_value); } #define LIMIT(val,min,max) ((val) < (min)) ? (min) : (((max) < (val)) ? (max) : (val)) //Local Oscillator void ssLocalOscInitialize(long int* start_value_out){ { uint32_t freq = GetActiveVfoFreq(); freq = (freq/1000L) * 1000L;//round off the current frequency the nearest kHz setFrequency(freq); } *start_value_out = globalSettings.oscillatorCal; } void ssLocalOscValidate(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out) { *validated_value_out = candidate_value_in;//No check - allow anything } void ssLocalOscChange(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t buff_out_size) { si5351_set_calibration(new_value); setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); const long int u = abs(new_value); if(new_value != u){ strncpy_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("-"),buff_out_size); ++buff_out; } formatFreq(u,buff_out,buff_out_size - strlen(buff_out)); strncat_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("Hz"),buff_out_size - strlen(buff_out)); } void ssLocalOscFinalize(const long int final_value) { globalSettings.oscillatorCal = final_value; SaveSettingsToEeprom(); si5351_set_calibration(globalSettings.oscillatorCal); setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); } const char SS_LOCAL_OSC_T [] PROGMEM = "Local Oscillator"; const char SS_LOCAL_OSC_A [] PROGMEM = "Exit menu, tune so that the\ndial displays the desired freq,\nthen tune here until the\nsignal is zerobeat"; const SettingScreen_t ssLocalOsc PROGMEM = { SS_LOCAL_OSC_T, SS_LOCAL_OSC_A, 1, 50, ssLocalOscInitialize, ssLocalOscValidate, ssLocalOscChange, ssLocalOscFinalize }; void runLocalOscSetting(){runSetting(&ssLocalOsc);} //BFO void ssBfoInitialize(long int* start_value_out){ si5351bx_setfreq(0, globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); *start_value_out = globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq; } void ssBfoValidate(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out) { *validated_value_out = LIMIT(candidate_value_in,11048000L,11060000L); } void ssBfoChange(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t buff_out_size) { globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq = new_value; setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); si5351bx_setfreq(0, new_value); formatFreq(new_value,buff_out,buff_out_size); strncat_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("Hz"),buff_out_size - strlen(buff_out)); } void ssBfoFinalize(const long int final_value) { globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq = final_value; SaveSettingsToEeprom(); si5351bx_setfreq(0, globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); } const char SS_BFO_T [] PROGMEM = "Beat Frequency Osc (BFO)"; const char SS_BFO_A [] PROGMEM = "Exit menu, tune to an unused\nfrequency, then tune here\nuntil the audio is between\n300-3000Hz"; const SettingScreen_t ssBfo PROGMEM = { SS_BFO_T, SS_BFO_A, 1, -50,//Negative to make dial more intuitive: turning clockwise increases the perceived audio frequency ssBfoInitialize, ssBfoValidate, ssBfoChange, ssBfoFinalize }; void runBfoSetting(){runSetting(&ssBfo);} //CW Speed void ssCwSpeedInitialize(long int* start_value_out) { *start_value_out = 1200L/globalSettings.cwDitDurationMs; } void ssCwSpeedValidate(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out) { *validated_value_out = LIMIT(candidate_value_in,1,100); } void ssCwSpeedChange(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t /*buff_out_size*/) { ltoa(new_value, buff_out, 10); } void ssCwSpeedFinalize(const long int final_value) { globalSettings.cwDitDurationMs = 1200L/final_value; SaveSettingsToEeprom(); } const char SS_CW_SPEED_T [] PROGMEM = "CW Play Speed"; const char SS_CW_SPEED_A [] PROGMEM = "Select speed to play CW\ncharacters"; const SettingScreen_t ssCwSpeed PROGMEM = { SS_CW_SPEED_T, SS_CW_SPEED_A, 5, 1, ssCwSpeedInitialize, ssCwSpeedValidate, ssCwSpeedChange, ssCwSpeedFinalize }; void runCwSpeedSetting(){runSetting(&ssCwSpeed);} //CW Tone void ssCwToneInitialize(long int* start_value_out) { *start_value_out = globalSettings.cwSideToneFreq; } void ssCwToneValidate(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out) { *validated_value_out = LIMIT(candidate_value_in,100,2000); } void ssCwToneChange(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t buff_out_size) { globalSettings.cwSideToneFreq = new_value; tone(CW_TONE, globalSettings.cwSideToneFreq); ltoa(globalSettings.cwSideToneFreq,buff_out,10); strncat_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("Hz"),buff_out_size - strlen(buff_out)); } void ssCwToneFinalize(const long int final_value) { noTone(CW_TONE); globalSettings.cwSideToneFreq = final_value; SaveSettingsToEeprom(); } const char SS_CW_TONE_T [] PROGMEM = "CW Tone Frequency"; const char SS_CW_TONE_A [] PROGMEM = "Select a frequency that\nCW mode to tune for"; const SettingScreen_t ssTone PROGMEM = { SS_CW_TONE_T, SS_CW_TONE_A, 1, 1, ssCwToneInitialize, ssCwToneValidate, ssCwToneChange, ssCwToneFinalize }; void runToneSetting(){runSetting(&ssTone);} //CW Switch Delay void ssCwSwitchDelayInitialize(long int* start_value_out) { *start_value_out = globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs; } void ssCwSwitchDelayValidate(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out) { *validated_value_out = LIMIT(candidate_value_in,100,1000); } void ssCwSwitchDelayChange(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t buff_out_size) { ltoa(new_value,buff_out,10); strncat_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("ms"),buff_out_size - strlen(buff_out)); } void ssCwSwitchDelayFinalize(const long int final_value) { globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs = final_value; SaveSettingsToEeprom(); } const char SS_CW_SWITCH_T [] PROGMEM = "CW Tx -> Rx Switch Delay"; const char SS_CW_SWITCH_A [] PROGMEM = "Select how long the radio\nshould wait before switching\nbetween TX and RX when in\nCW mode"; const SettingScreen_t ssCwSwitchDelay PROGMEM = { SS_CW_SWITCH_T, SS_CW_SWITCH_A, 1, 10, ssCwSwitchDelayInitialize, ssCwSwitchDelayValidate, ssCwSwitchDelayChange, ssCwSwitchDelayFinalize }; void runCwSwitchDelaySetting(){runSetting(&ssCwSwitchDelay);} //CW Keyer void ssKeyerInitialize(long int* start_value_out) { *start_value_out = globalSettings.keyerMode; } void ssKeyerValidate(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out) { *validated_value_out = LIMIT(candidate_value_in,(uint8_t)KeyerMode_e::KEYER_STRAIGHT,(uint8_t)KeyerMode_e::KEYER_IAMBIC_B); } void ssKeyerChange(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t buff_out_size) { if(KeyerMode_e::KEYER_STRAIGHT == new_value){ strncpy_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("< Hand Key >"),buff_out_size); } else if(KeyerMode_e::KEYER_IAMBIC_A == new_value){ strncpy_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("< Iambic A >"),buff_out_size); } else{ strncpy_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("< Iambic B >"),buff_out_size); } } void ssKeyerFinalize(const long int final_value) { globalSettings.keyerMode = (KeyerMode_e)final_value; SaveSettingsToEeprom(); } const char SS_KEYER_T [] PROGMEM = "CW Keyer/Paddle Type"; const char SS_KEYER_A [] PROGMEM = "Select which type of\nkeyer/paddle is being used"; const SettingScreen_t ssKeyer PROGMEM = { SS_KEYER_T, SS_KEYER_A, 10, 1, ssKeyerInitialize, ssKeyerValidate, ssKeyerChange, ssKeyerFinalize }; void runKeyerSetting(){runSetting(&ssKeyer);} //Reset all settings void ssResetAllInitialize(long int* start_value_out) { *start_value_out = 0;//Default to NOT resetting } void ssResetAllValidate(const long int candidate_value_in, long int* validated_value_out) { *validated_value_out = LIMIT(candidate_value_in,0,1); } void ssResetAllChange(const long int new_value, char* buff_out, const size_t buff_out_size) { if(new_value){ strncpy_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("Yes"),buff_out_size); } else{ strncpy_P(buff_out,(const char*)F("No"),buff_out_size); } } void ssResetAllFinalize(const long int final_value) { if(final_value){ LoadDefaultSettings(); SaveSettingsToEeprom(); setup(); } } const char SS_RESET_ALL_T [] PROGMEM = "Reset All Cals/Settings"; const char SS_RESET_ALL_A [] PROGMEM = "WARNING: Selecting \"Yes\"\nwill reset all calibrations and\nsettings to their default\nvalues"; const SettingScreen_t ssResetAll PROGMEM = { SS_RESET_ALL_T, SS_RESET_ALL_A, 20, 1, ssResetAllInitialize, ssResetAllValidate, ssResetAllChange, ssResetAllFinalize }; void runResetAllSetting(){runSetting(&ssResetAll);} struct MenuItem_t { const char* const ItemName; void (*OnSelect)(); }; void runMenu(const MenuItem_t* const menu_items, const uint16_t num_items); #define RUN_MENU(menu) runMenu(menu,sizeof(menu)/sizeof(menu[0])) const char MT_CAL [] PROGMEM = "Calibrations"; const char MI_TOUCH [] PROGMEM = "Touch Screen"; const MenuItem_t calibrationMenu [] PROGMEM { {MT_CAL,nullptr},//Title {SS_LOCAL_OSC_T,runLocalOscSetting}, {SS_BFO_T,runBfoSetting}, {MI_TOUCH,setupTouch}, }; void runCalibrationMenu(){RUN_MENU(calibrationMenu);} const char MT_CW [] PROGMEM = "CW/Morse Setup"; const MenuItem_t cwMenu [] PROGMEM { {MT_CW,nullptr},//Title {SS_CW_SPEED_T,runCwSpeedSetting}, {SS_CW_TONE_T,runToneSetting}, {SS_CW_SWITCH_T,runCwSwitchDelaySetting}, {SS_KEYER_T,runKeyerSetting}, }; void runCwMenu(){RUN_MENU(cwMenu);} const char MT_SETTINGS [] PROGMEM = "Settings"; const MenuItem_t mainMenu [] PROGMEM { {MT_SETTINGS,nullptr},//Title {MT_CAL,runCalibrationMenu}, {MT_CW,runCwMenu}, {SS_RESET_ALL_T,runResetAllSetting}, }; const char MI_EXIT [] PROGMEM = "Exit"; const MenuItem_t exitMenu PROGMEM = {MI_EXIT,nullptr}; void drawMenu(const MenuItem_t* const items, const uint16_t num_items) { displayClear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); MenuItem_t mi = {"",nullptr}; memcpy_P(&mi,&items[0],sizeof(mi)); strncpy_P(b,mi.ItemName,sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_TITLE_X, LAYOUT_TITLE_Y, LAYOUT_TITLE_WIDTH, LAYOUT_TITLE_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND, COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER); for(unsigned int i = 1; i < num_items; ++i){ memcpy_P(&mi,&items[i],sizeof(mi)); strncpy_P(b,mi.ItemName,sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_ITEM_X, LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + (i-1)*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH, LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_INACTIVE_BORDER, TextJustification_e::Left); } memcpy_P(&mi,&exitMenu,sizeof(mi)); strncpy_P(b,mi.ItemName,sizeof(b)); displayText(b, LAYOUT_ITEM_X, LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + (num_items-1)*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH, LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_INACTIVE_BORDER, TextJustification_e::Left); } void movePuck(unsigned int old_index, unsigned int new_index) { //Don't update if we're already on the right selection if(old_index == new_index){ return; } else if(((unsigned int)-1) != old_index){ //Clear old displayRect(LAYOUT_ITEM_X, LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + (old_index*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y), LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH, LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT, COLOR_INACTIVE_BORDER); } //Draw new displayRect(LAYOUT_ITEM_X, LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + (new_index*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y), LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH, LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT, COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER); } void runMenu(const MenuItem_t* const menu_items, const uint16_t num_items) { static const unsigned int COUNTS_PER_ITEM = 10; const int MAX_KNOB_VALUE = num_items*COUNTS_PER_ITEM - 1; int knob_sum = 0; unsigned int old_index = 0; drawMenu(menu_items,num_items); movePuck(1,0);//Force draw of puck //wait for the button to be raised up while(btnDown()){ active_delay(50); } active_delay(50); //debounce while (true){ knob_sum += enc_read(); if(knob_sum < 0){ knob_sum = 0; } else if(MAX_KNOB_VALUE < knob_sum){ knob_sum = MAX_KNOB_VALUE; } uint16_t index = knob_sum/COUNTS_PER_ITEM; movePuck(old_index,index); old_index = index; if (!btnDown()){ active_delay(50); continue; } //wait for the touch to lift off and debounce while(btnDown()){ active_delay(50); } active_delay(50);//debounce if(num_items-1 > index){ MenuItem_t mi = {"",nullptr}; memcpy_P(&mi,&menu_items[index+1],sizeof(mi));//The 0th element in the array is the title, so offset by 1 mi.OnSelect(); drawMenu(menu_items,num_items);//Need to re-render, since whatever ran just now is assumed to have drawn something old_index = -1;//Force redraw } else{ break; } } //debounce the button while(btnDown()){ active_delay(50); } active_delay(50);//debounce } void doSetup2(){ RUN_MENU(mainMenu); guiUpdate(); }