staticconstuint8_tPIN_PTT=A3;// Sense it for ssb and as a straight key for cw operation
staticconstuint8_tPIN_ANALOG_KEYER=A6;// This is used as keyer. The analog port has 4.7K pull up resistor. Details are in the circuit description on
staticconstuint8_tPIN_ANALOG_SPARE=A7;// Not used yet
staticconstuint8_tPIN_TX_RXn=7;// Pin from the Nano to the radio to switch to TX (HIGH) and RX(LOW)
staticconstuint8_tPIN_CW_TONE=6;// Generates a square wave sidetone while sending the CW.
staticconstuint8_tPIN_TX_LPF_A=5;// The 30 MHz LPF is permanently connected in the output of the PA...
staticconstuint8_tPIN_TX_LPF_B=4;// ...Alternatively, either 3.5 MHz, 7 MHz or 14 Mhz LPFs are...
staticconstuint8_tPIN_TX_LPF_C=3;// ...switched inline depending upon the TX frequency
staticconstuint8_tPIN_CW_KEY=2;// Pin goes high during CW keydown to transmit the carrier.
// ... The PIN_CW_KEY is needed in addition to the TX/RX key as the...