. ************************************************************************ */ /** * * functions.php, TSM Monitor * * This file includes all general functions for TSM Monitor * * @author Michael Clemens * @package tsmmonitor */ /** * initialize - This function us called every time index.php is refreshed * */ function initialize() { global $configarray; global $queryarray; global $GETVars; global $page; global $submenu; global $adminmenu; //global $query; global $whereclause; global $message; global $db_type, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password, $db_host, $db_charset, $db_collate, $conn; session_name("tsmmonitordev"); session_start(); // Login if not logged in and credentials are ok if ((isset($_POST) && isset($_POST["loginname"]) && isset($_POST["loginpasswort"]) && (!isset($_SESSION["logindata"])))) { $_SESSION["logindata"]["user"] = $_POST["loginname"]; $_SESSION["logindata"]["pass"] = $_POST["loginpasswort"]; checkLogin(); } if ($_GET['q'] == "logout") { unset($_SESSION["logindata"]); } // if (!isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['configarray'])) { $_SESSION['configarray'] = getConfigArray(); // } // GET-variables $GETVars["menu"] = $_GET['m']; $GETVars["qq"] = $_GET['q']; $GETVars['ob'] = $_GET['sort']; $GETVars['orderdir'] = $_GET['so']; if ($_POST['s'] != '') { $GETVars['server'] = $_POST['s']; } else { $GETVars['server'] = $_GET['s']; } // Session-variables $configarray = $_SESSION['configarray']; // timeout if( !ini_get('safe_mode') && ini_get('max_execution_time') != $configarray["settings"]["timeout"]) { ini_set('max_execution_time', $configarray["settings"]["timeout"]); } // set defaults if vars are empty if ($GETVars["menu"] == "") { $GETVars["menu"]="main"; } if ($GETVars["qq"] == "") { $GETVars["qq"]="index"; } if ($GETVars['server'] == "") { $GETVars['server']=$configarray["defaultserver"]; } if ($GETVars['orderdir'] == "") { $GETVars['orderdir'] = "asc"; } if ($_SESSION['timeshift'] == '' || !strstr($GETVars["qq"], 'dynamictimetable')) { $_SESSION['timeshift'] = 0 ; } $submenu = $configarray["menuarray"][$GETVars['menu']]; $adminmenu = $configarray["adminmenuarray"]; //$query = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["tsmquery"]; $queryarray = $configarray["queryarray"]; $_SESSION["GETVars"] = $GETVars; // BEGIN Timemachine if ($_SESSION["from"] != $_GET['q']) { $_SESSION['timemachine'] = ""; } if ($_POST['dateinput'] != "") $_SESSION['timemachine']['date'] = strtotime($_POST['dateinput']); if ($_POST['timestamps'] != "") $_SESSION['timemachine']['time'] = $_POST['timestamps']; if ($_POST["Poll"] == "Poll Now!") { $timestamp = time(); $tmonpolld = new PollD(); $tmonpolld->setDBParams($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password); $tmonpolld->initialize(); $tmonpolld->pollQuery($tmonpolld->queries[$GETVars['qq']], $tmonpolld->servers[$GETVars['server']], TRUE, $timestamp); $_SESSION['timemachine']['date'] = $timestamp; $_SESSION['timemachine']['time'] = $timestamp; } if (($_POST['Poll'] == "Poll Now!" || $_SESSION['timemachine']['date'] == "") && $queryarray[$GETVars['qq']]["polltype"]=="snapshot") { $qtable = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["name"]; $sql = "SELECT MAX(TimeStamp) FROM res_".$qtable."_".$GETVars["server"]; $res = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); $resarr = (array)$res[0]; $_SESSION['timemachine']['date'] = $resarr["MAX(TimeStamp)"]; $_SESSION['timemachine']['time'] = $resarr["MAX(TimeStamp)"]; } // Custom Stylesheet if ($_SESSION['stylesheet'] == "") { if ($configarray['stylesheet'] != "") { $_SESSION['stylesheet'] = $configarray['stylesheet']; } else { $_SESSION['stylesheet'] = "default.css"; } } } /** * showPageNavigation - generates a clickable navigation bar for sql results * splitted by function fetchSplitArrayDB * * @param string links_per_page number of links that will be displayed per page * @return string */ function showPageNavigation($links_per_page = "1") { //$page = $_GET["page"]; global $max_pages; global $GETVars; $page = intval($_GET['page']); $so = $_GET['so']; $sortcol = $_GET['sort']; $getvars = 'q='.$_GET['q'].'&m='.$_GET['m'].'&s='.$GETVars['server'].'&sort='.$sortcol."&so=".$so; $self = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $navelement = ''.$fp.''; $fp = $navelement.'1">'.$fp.''; } if($page != $max_pages) { $lp = $navelement.($max_pages).'">'.$lp.''; } if($page > 1) { $pp = $navelement.($page-1).'">'.$pp.''; } if($page < $max_pages) { $np = $navelement.($page+1).'">'.$np.''; } // Numbers for($i=1;$i<=$max_pages;$i+=$links_per_page) { if($page >= $i) { $start = $i; } } if($max_pages > $links_per_page) { $end = $start+$links_per_page; if($end > $max_pages) $end = $max_pages+1; } else { $end = $max_pages; } $numbers = ''; for( $i=$start ; $i<=$end ; $i++) { if($i == $page) { $numbers .= " $i "; } else { $numbers .= ' '.$navelement.$i.'">'.$i.' '; } } if ($end > 1) { return $fp.' '.$pp.' '.$numbers.' '.$np.' '.$lp; } else { return ""; } } /** * GetBetween - little helper function that returns a string between two given strings * * @param string $content complete string * @param string $start first string * @param string $end second string * @return string */ function GetBetween($content,$start,$end) { $r = explode($start, $content); if (isset($r[1])) { $r = explode($end, $r[1]); return $r[0]; } return ''; } /** * GetTimemachine - generates a date-/timechooser with which one can select a specific snapshot * * @return string */ function GetTimemachine() { global $GETVars; global $configarray; $queryarray = $configarray["queryarray"]; $ret = ""; if ($queryarray[$GETVars['qq']]["polltype"]=="snapshot") { $ret .= "
Time Machine

"; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "

"; } else if ($queryarray[$GETVars['qq']]["polltype"]=="update" || $queryarray[$GETVars['qq']]["polltype"]=="append") { $LastTimestamp = GetLastSnapshot(); if ($LastTimestamp!="") { $ret .= "
Time Machine

"; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= "Last updated: ".strftime('%H:%M:%S', $LastTimestamp); $ret .= "
"; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "

"; } } return $ret; } /** * getMenu - resturns HTML code for sidebar menu * * @param string $menu currently displayed menu * @param string $activelink link that will be marked as selected * @param string $type index or admin * @return string */ function getMenu($menu = '', $activelink = '', $type) { global $GETVars; global $configarray; if (!isset($menu)) { return ""; }; while(list($key, $val) = each($menu)) { $bCont = TRUE; $q = GetBetween($key,"q=","&m="); if ($configarray["queryarray"][$q]["notforlibclient"] == 1 && $configarray["serverlist"][$GETVars['server']]["libraryclient"] == 1) { $bCont = FALSE; } $key = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$key; if ($type == "index") { $key .= "&s=".$GETVars['server']; } if ($val == "Admin") { $key = "admin.php"; }else if ($val == "TSM Monitor") { $key = "index.php"; } if ($val == "trennlinie") { $links .= "
\n"; } else if ($bCont) { if (!stristr($key,$activelink)) { $links .= "$val\n"; } else { $links .= "
\n"; } } } return $links; } /** * getMessage - returns HTML code for global system message * * @return string */ function getMessage() { global $message; return "
System Message:

"; } /** * getInfo - returns HTML Code for Infoboxes with information about current query * * @return string */ function getInfo() { global $configarray; global $GETVars; $label = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["label"]; $info = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["info"]; if ($info != "") { $ret = "

".$info; $ret .= "
"; return $ret; } } /** * getTableheader - generates and returns headers for query result HTML tables. * * @return string */ function getTableheader() { global $GETVars; global $configarray; global $timetablestarttime; global $conn; $tableheader=""; $orderby = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["orderby"]; $orderdir = $GETVars['orderdir']; $page = $_GET['page']; if ($orderdir == "asc") { $sonew="desc"; } else if ($orderdir == "desc") { $sonew="asc"; } $isAdmin = strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'admin.php'); if ($isAdmin) { $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM cfg_".$_GET['q']; } else { $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM res_".$configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["name"]."_".$GETVars['server']; } $fieldnames = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); // If table has more than one column if (sizeof($fieldnames) > 1) { foreach ($fieldnames as $col) { if ($col['Field'] != "timestamp" && $col['Field'] != "id") { $name = $col['Field']; $arrow = ""; if (($GETVars['ob'] == $name && $GETVars['ob']!="") || ($GETVars['ob']=="" && $orderby!="" && $orderby == $name)) { $link = "href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=".$GETVars['qq']."&m=".$GETVars['menu']."&sort=".$name."&page=".$page."&so=".$sonew."&s=".$GETVars['server']."'"; if ($orderdir == "asc") { $arrow = "⇑"; } else if ($orderdir == "desc") { $arrow = "⇓"; } } else { $arrow = ""; $link = "href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=".$GETVars['qq']."&m=".$GETVars['menu']."&sort=".$name."&page=".$page."&s=".$GETVars['server']."'"; } $tableheader = $tableheader."".ucfirst($name)." ".$arrow.""; } } } else { if ($orderdir == "asc") { $arrow = "⇑"; } else if ($orderdir == "desc") { $arrow = "⇓"; } $link = "href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=".$GETVars['qq']."&m=".$GETVars['menu']."&sort=".$name."&page=".$page."&so=".$sonew."'"; $label = $fieldnames[0]['Field']; $tableheader = $tableheader."".$label." ".$arrow.""; } if ($isAdmin) { $tableheader = $tableheader.""; } $tableheader=$tableheader.""; return $tableheader; } /** * checkLogin - processes login procedure and sets loggedin property in SESSION * */ function checkLogin() { global $configarray; global $GETVars; global $conn; $user = $_SESSION["logindata"]["user"]; $pass = $_SESSION["logindata"]["pass"]; $wc = ""; $isAdmin = strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'admin.php'); if ($user != "" && $pass != "") { $sql = "SELECT password, role from cfg_users where username='".$user."'"; $ret = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); if ($ret[0] != "" && $ret[0]['password'] == md5($pass)) { $_SESSION["logindata"]["role"] = $ret[0]['role']; if (!$isAdmin || ($isAdmin && $ret[0]['role'] == "admin")) { $_SESSION["logindata"]["loggedin"] = TRUE; } } else { $_SESSION["logindata"]["loggedin"] = FALSE; } } else { $_SESSION["logindata"]["loggedin"] = FALSE; } } /** * checkAlert - this function checks if a value is above, below or equal a alarm valu * * @param string $comperator * @param string $alertval the value which will trigger an alert * @param string $val the value that will be checked * @return boolean */ function checkAlert($comperator = '', $alertval = '', $val = '') { $error = false; if (substr($val, -1) == "*") { $val = substr($val,0,-1); } if ($comperator == "equal") { if ($val == $alertval ) { $error=true; } } else if ($comperator == "notequal") { if ($val != $alertval ) { $error=true; } } else if ($comperator == "less") { if ($val < $alertval ) { $error=true; } } else if ($comperator == "more") { if ($val > $alertval ) { $error=true; } } return $error; } /** * getTimestampsOfADay - returns a list of all timestamps of a day which are in the database for the current query * * @param string $timestamp a timestamp that s needed to get the current day * @return string */ function getTimestampsOfADay($timestamp = "") { global $GETVars; global $configarray; global $conn; $server = $GETVars['server']; $ret = array(); $daystring = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $timestamp); $startofday = strtotime($daystring." 00:00:00"); $endofday = strtotime($daystring." 23:59:59"); $qtable = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["name"]; $timestampquery = " WHERE timestamp between ".$startofday." and ".$endofday; $sql = "SELECT distinct timestamp from res_".$qtable."_".$server.$timestampquery; $ret = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); return $ret; } /** * getLastSnapshot - returns the last inserted timestamp of a query result * * @return string */ function getLastSnapshot() { global $GETVars; global $configarray; global $conn; $server = $GETVars['server']; $ret = array(); $qtable = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["name"]; $sql = "SELECT MAX(TimeStamp) from res_".$qtable."_".$server; $ret = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); $ret = (array)$ret[0]; return $ret["MAX(TimeStamp)"]; } /** * getTableFields * * @param string tablename * @return string */ function getTableFields($tablename="") { global $GETVars; global $conn; $sqlth = "SELECT * from ".$tablename." LIMIT 1"; $sqlresth = fetchArrayDB($sqlth, $conn); $columnnames = ""; echo $sql; // get all table fields to be selected foreach ($sqlresth as $row) { foreach ($row as $colname => $colval) { if ($colname != "timestamp") { $columnnames .= "`".$colname."`"; if ( $i < $numfields-1) $columnnames .= ", "; } } } $columnnames = ereg_replace(", $", "", $columnnames); return $columnnames; } /** * getAdminTables - gets data out of the DB and generates a HTML result table for admin backend * * @param string $type (list, edit, add) * @return string */ function getAdminTables($type="") { global $configarray; global $conn; global $GETVars; $columnnames = getTableFields("cfg_".$GETVars['qq']); if ($GETVars['ob'] != '' ) { $sqlappend = " order by `".$GETVars['ob']."` ".$GETVars['orderdir']; } elseif ($configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["orderby"] != '') { $sqlappend = " order by `".$configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["orderby"]."` ".$GETVars['orderdir']; } if ($type == "edit") { $wc = " where `id`='".$_GET['id']."' "; } $sql = "SELECT ".$columnnames." from cfg_".$GETVars["qq"].$wc.$sqlappend; $_SESSION["lastsql"] = $sql; if ($sqlres) $message = $sql; $i = 1; $rs = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); foreach ($rs as $row) { if ($type=="list") { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $outp .= ""; }else{ $outp .= ""; } $i++; while(list($keycell, $valcell) = each($row)) { if ($keycell == "id") { $id = $valcell; } else { $outp .= "".$valcell.""; } } $baseurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=".$GETVars['qq']."&m=".$GETVars['menu']; $outp .= ""; $outp .= ""; $outp .= "\n"; } else { $outp = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); var_dump($outp); } } return $outp; } /** * execute - gets data out of the DB and generates a HTML result table * * @param string $type sets the table type (vertical, standard and graphical time table) * @return string */ function execute($type = 'table') { global $configarray; global $GETVars; global $timetablestarttime; global $whereclause; global $message; global $conn; $colorsarray = $configarray["colorsarray"]; $queryarray = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]; $now = time(); $oneday = 86400; $onehour = 3600; $tolerance = 1200; $server = $GETVars['server']; $outp = ''; $outp_cache = ''; $stop=FALSE; $tablearray = array(); /** $query = ereg_replace("NOTEQUAL","<>",$query); $query = ereg_replace("LESS","<",$query); if (isset($timetablestarttime) && $timetablestarttime != "") { $query = ereg_replace("SEARCHFIELD","$timetablestarttime",$query); **/ if ($GETVars['ob'] != '' ) { $sqlappend = " order by `".$GETVars['ob']."` ".$GETVars['orderdir']; } elseif ($configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["orderby"] != '') { $sqlappend = " order by `".$configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["orderby"]."` ".$GETVars['orderdir']; } $qtable = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["name"]; $polltype = $configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["polltype"]; if ($polltype == "snapshot") { if ($_SESSION['timemachine']['time'] == date) { $timestampquery = " WHERE timestamp=(SELECT MAX(TimeStamp) FROM res_".$qtable."_".$server.")"; } else { $timestampquery = " WHERE timestamp = '".$_SESSION['timemachine']['time']."'"; } } else { $timestampquery = ""; } // get only latest entry //if ($whereclause["field"]!="" && $whereclause["val"]!="") { $searcharr = $_SESSION["search"][$GETVars['qq']]; if (isset($searcharr) && $searcharr["field"] != "" && $searcharr["val"] != "") { if ($polltype == "snapshot") { $wc = " AND "; } else { $wc = " WHERE "; } $wc .= "`".$searcharr["field"]."`".$searcharr["op"]."'".$searcharr["val"]."' "; } else if (isset($timetablestarttime)) { $startunix = ((ceil($now/$onehour)*$onehour)-$onehour-$oneday)-(($timetablestarttime-24)*$onehour); $endunix = $startunix + $oneday + $onehour; $start = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000000", $startunix); $end = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000000", $endunix); $wc = " WHERE `End Time` >= '".$start."' AND `Start Time` <= '".$end."'"; } else { $wc= " "; } $columnnames = getTableFields("res_".$qtable."_".$server); //execute the constructed query $sql = "SELECT ".$columnnames." from res_".$qtable."_".$server.$timestampquery.$wc.$sqlappend; $_SESSION["lastsql"] = $sql; if ($sqlres) $message = $sql; if ($type == "table") { $i = 1; $rs = fetchSplitArrayDB($sql,$conn,20); foreach ($rs as $row) { $color = ""; $col = $queryarray["alert_field"]; if ($col != '') { $error = checkAlert($queryarray["alert_comp"], $queryarray["alert_val"], $row[$col]); if($error) { $color = $queryarray["alert_col"]; } else { $color = "ok"; } $colorzebra = $colorsarray[$color][$i]; } if ($i % 2 == 0) { $outp = $outp.""; }else{ $outp = $outp.""; } $i++; while(list($keycell, $valcell) = each($row)) { if($color!="" && $col==$keycell) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $cellcol = $colorsarray[$color."_light"]; } else { $cellcol = $colorsarray[$color."_dark"]; } $outp = $outp."".$valcell.""; } else { $outp = $outp."".$valcell.""; } } $outp = $outp."\n"; } } else if ($type == "verticaltable") { $outp = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); } else if ($type == "timetable") { $sqlres = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); $outp = array();; foreach ($sqlres as $row) { $rowarray2 = array(); while(list($keycell, $valcell) = each($row)) { if ($keycell == "Start Time" || $keycell == "End Time") { $date = $row[$keycell]; $rowarray2[] = mktime(substr($date,11,2),substr($date,14,2),substr($date,17,2),substr($date,5,2),substr($date,8,2),substr($date,0,4)); } else { $rowarray2[] = $valcell; } } array_push($outp, $rowarray2); } } return $outp; } /** * getCustomQuery - executes a custom tsm query directly on the selected TSM server and returns a HTML table * * @return string */ function getCustomQuery() { global $GETVars; global $configarray; $serverarr = $configarray["serverlist"][$GETVars['server']]; $server = $serverarr["servername"]; $port = $serverarr["port"]; $ip = $serverarr["ip"]; $user = $serverarr["username"]; $pass = $serverarr["password"]; $input = ""; $input .= "
"; $input .= ""; $input .= ""; $input .= "

"; $query = $_POST["querytxt"]; if ($query != "") { $handle = popen("dsmadmc -se=$server -id=$user -password=$pass -TCPServeraddress=$ip -COMMMethod=TCPIP -TCPPort=$port -dataonly=yes -TAB \"$query\" ", 'r'); $colcount = 0; if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $i=1; while (!feof($handle) && !$stop) { $read = fgets($handle, 4096); $stop = strstr($read, 'ANR2034E'); if ($read != ' ' && $read != '' && !$stop) { $read=preg_replace('/[\n]+/', '', $read); $cols = split("\t", $read); if ($i % 2 == 0) { $outp = $outp.""; }else{ $outp = $outp.""; } $i++; $colcount = count($cols); for ($co = 0; $co < count($cols); $co++) { $outp = $outp."".$cols[$co].""; } $outp = $outp."\n"; $outp_cache = $outp; } } } $outp .= ""; } $header = ""; for ($count = 0; $count < $colcount; $count++) { $header .= ""; } $header .= ""; } return $input.$header.$outp; } /** * getSearchfield - returns the HTML code of the upper searchfield panel * * @return string */ function getSearchfield() { global $GETVars; global $configarray; global $conn; $ret = ""; $arrfield = ""; $arrval = ""; $arrop = ""; $operators = array ("<", "=", "<>", ">"); $searcharr = $_SESSION["search"][$GETVars['qq']]; if (isset($searcharr)) { $arrfield = $searcharr["field"]; $arrval = $searcharr["val"]; $arrop = $searcharr["op"]; } $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM res_".$configarray["queryarray"][$GETVars['qq']]["name"]."_".$GETVars['server']; $fieldnames = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); // Build Field Name Combobox $fieldbox = ""; // Build Operator Combobox if ($arrop=="") $arrop="="; $opbox = ""; $link = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=".$GETVars['qq']."&m=".$GETVars['menu']."&s=".$GETVars['server']; $ret .= ""; $ret .= $fieldbox; $ret .= $opbox; $ret .= " "; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; return $ret; } /** * getServerlist - returns teh HTML code for the server combobox * * @return string */ function getServerlist() { global $configarray; global $GETVars; $ret = ""; $serverlist = $configarray["serverlist"]; $i = 0; $ret = "
"; $ret .= ""; while(list($servername,$serveritems) = each($serverlist)) { $listip = $serveritems["ip"]; $listdescription = $serveritems["description"]; $listport = $serveritems["port"]; if ($i == 0) { $ret .= ""; $i = 1; } else { $ret .= ""; $i = 0; } $listlink = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?q=".$_SESSION["from"]."&m=".$GETVars['menu']."&s=".$servername; $ret .= ""; } return $ret."
"; } /** * getPollDStat - returns the HTML code for the TSM Polling Daemon status/log table * * @return string */ function getPollDStat() { global $GETVars; global $configarray; global $conn; $i=1; $outp = ""; $outp .= ""; $sql = "SELECT * from log_polldstat where timestamp > '".(time()-86400)."' order by timestamp desc"; $_SESSION["lastsql"] = $sql; $rs = fetchSplitArrayDB($sql,$conn,20); foreach ($rs as $row) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $outp = $outp.""; } else { $outp = $outp.""; } $i++; while(list($keycell, $valcell) = each($row)) { if ($keycell == "timestamp") { $valcell = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %T", $valcell); } $outp = $outp.""; } $outp = $outp."\n"; } $nav = showPageNavigation("20"); if ($nav!="") { $outp = $outp.""; } return $outp."
TimeServernameUpdatedUnchangedPollfreq not reachedTime needed (s)
"; } /** * getOverviewRows - returns HTML code for overview page * * @param array $subindexqueryarray array of query objects * @return string */ function getOverviewRows($subindexqueryarray = '') { global $GETVars; global $configarray; global $conn; $out=""; $i=0; while(list($key, $val) = each($subindexqueryarray)) { $bgcol=""; $comperator = ""; $alertval = ""; $alertcol = ""; $cellcolors = $configarray["colorsarray"]; $cache = $subindexqueryarray[$key]["cache"]; if ($configarray["serverlist"][$GETVars['server']]["libraryclient"] == 1 && $subindexqueryarray[$key]["notforlibclient"] == 1) { $res = "-§§§-"; } else { $res = ''; $sql = "SELECT name, result from res_overview_".$GETVars['server']." where name='".$subindexqueryarray[$key]["name"]."'"; $sqlres = fetchArrayDB($sql, $conn); foreach ($sqlres as $row) { $res .= $row['name']."§§§".$row['result']; } } if ($i == 1) { $out = $out.""; $i=0; } else { $out = $out.""; $i=1; } $res = split("§§§", $res); //$out .= $subindexqueryarray[$key]["header"]; $out .= $res[0]; $comperator = $subindexqueryarray[$key]["alert_comp"]; $alertval = $subindexqueryarray[$key]["alert_val"]; $alertcol = $subindexqueryarray[$key]["alert_col"]; $unit = $subindexqueryarray[$key]["unit"]; $error = checkAlert($comperator, $alertval, $res[1]); if ($i==1) { $shade="light"; } else { $shade="dark"; } if ($error && $res != "" && $res[1] != "-") { $bgcol="bgcolor='".$cellcolors[$alertcol."_".$shade]."'"; } else { $bgcol="bgcolor='".$cellcolors["ok_".$shade]."'"; } $out .= "".$res[1]." ".$unit."\n"; } return $out; } /** * generateTimetableHeader - returns HTML code for timetable header (display of hours) * * @param string $startpunkt I forgot that one * @param string $FirstCol first field of result table * @return string */ function generateTimetableHeader($startpunkt = '', $FirstCol = '') { $header = $FirstCol["label"]; $out= "".$header.""; for ($count = 0; $count <= 24; $count++) { $imagename = strftime("%H", $startpunkt+($count*3600)); $out .= ""; } $out .= ""; return $out; } /** * generateTimetableNavigation - returns HTML code for timetable header (navigation buttons) * * @return string */ function generateTimetableNavigation() { global $GETVars; $timesteps = array("1 hour" => "1", "6 hours" => "6", "12 hours" => "12", "24 hours" => "24"); $timetablestarttime = 24 + $_SESSION['timeshift']; $out = "
"; // get value from combobox if ($_POST["timestep"] != "") { $_SESSION['selectedtimestep'] = $_POST["timestep"]; } $out .= ""; $out .= ""; $out .= ""; $out .= ""; $out .= ""; $out .= "
"; return $out; } /** * generateTimetable - generates HTML code for graphical timetables * * @param array $tablearray Array containing an SQL query result * @param string $FirstCol first field of result table * @return string */ function generateTimetable($tablearray = '', $FirstCol = '') { global $timetablestarttime; $now = time(); $out = ''; $height = 8; $faktor = 120; $oneday = 86400; $onehour = 3600; $tolerance = 1200; $timetablestarttime = 24 + $_SESSION['timeshift']; $startpunkt = ((ceil($now/$onehour)*$onehour)-$onehour-$oneday)-(($timetablestarttime-24)*$onehour); $endpunkt = $startpunkt + $oneday + $onehour; $lastpoint = ($endpunkt - $startpunkt)/$faktor; $out .= ""; $out .= generateTimetableNavigation(); $out .= generateTimetableHeader($startpunkt, $FirstCol); $out .= ""; $lasttimepoint=$now-($timetablestarttime*$onehour)-$tolerance; $repeatingcol = ""; $ii=1; while(list($keyrow, $valrow) = each($tablearray)) { if ($valrow[1] <= $endpunkt && $valrow[2] > $lasttimepoint) { $name = $valrow[0]; $status = $valrow[3]; $statusmsg = ""; $dur = strftime("%H:%M", ($valrow[2]-$valrow[1])-$onehour); $shade=""; if ($valrow[1] < $lasttimepoint) { // cut the bar at the left side to fit into table $start = 0; } else { $start = ($valrow[1]-$startpunkt)/$faktor; } $end = ($valrow[2]-$startpunkt)/$faktor; $duration = $end - $start; // fake a longer time for better visibility if ($duration < 2) {$duration=2;} // cut the bar at the right side to fit into table if (($start+$duration)>$lastpoint) { $duration = $lastpoint-$start; $shade="light"; } if ($valrow[1] < $lasttimepoint) { $shade="light"; } if (isset($status)) { if ($status == "YES" || $status == "Completed") { $barcol = $shade."green"; $statusmsg = ", Status was OK"; }else{ $barcol = $shade."red"; $statusmsg = ", Status was UNSUCCESSFUL"; } } else { $barcol = $shade."grey"; $statusmsg = ""; } if($ii == 1) { $out .= ""; } else { $out .= ""; $ii = 0; } if ($repeatingcol != $valrow[0]) { $out .= ""; $repeatingcol = $valrow[0]; } else { $out .= ""; } if ($valrow[3] != 'Missed') { $out .= "\n"; $ii++; } } $out .= generateTimetableHeader($startpunkt); $out .= generateTimetableNavigation(); $out .= "
".$valrow[0]."".$valrow[0].""; $out .= ""; $out .= ""; } else { $out .= ""; } $out .= "
"; return $out; } /** * getConfigArray - queries the DB and generates the global config array * * @return array */ function getConfigArray() { global $conn; $retArray = array(); // Navigation $query = "SELECT * from cfg_mainmenu"; $mainmenutablerows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); $ret = array(); $menuarray = array(); $mainmenuarray = array(); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($mainmenutablerows)) { $menuname = $val['name']; $menulabel = $val['label']; $url = "q=overview&m=".$menuname; $mainmenuarray[$url] = $menulabel; } $menuarrayxml = $queryconfigarray["navigation"]["mainmenuitem"]; $mainmenuarrayxml = $menuarrayxml; $mainmenuarray["trennlinie"] = "trennlinie"; $mainmenuarray["q=custom&m=main"] = "Custom TSM Query"; $mainmenuarray["q=polldstat&m=main"] = "Polling Daemon Log"; $mainmenuarray["q=serverlist&m=main"] = "Change Server"; if ($_SESSION["logindata"]["role"] == "admin") $mainmenuarray["admin"] = "Admin"; $mainmenuarray["q=logout"] = "Logout"; $menuarray["main"] = $mainmenuarray; $query = "SELECT * from cfg_mainmenu"; $mainmenutablerows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); $query = "SELECT * from cfg_queries"; $querytablerows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($mainmenutablerows)) { $menuname = $val['name']; $menulabel = $val['label']; $submenuarray = array(); $submenuarray[""] = "<---"; $query = "SELECT * from cfg_queries where parent='".$menuname."'"; $querytablerows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); while (list ($subkey, $submenuitem) = each ($querytablerows)) { $submenuitem_name = $submenuitem['name']; $submenuitem_label = $submenuitem['label']; $url = "q=".$submenuitem_name."&m=".$menuname; $submenuarray[$url] = $submenuitem_label; } $submenuarray["trennlinie"] = "trennlinie"; $submenuarray["q=custom&m=".$submenu['name']] = "Custom TSM Query"; $submenuarray["q=polldstat&m=".$submenu['name']] = "Polling Daemon Log"; $submenuarray["q=serverlist&m=".$submenu['name']] = "Change Server"; if ($_SESSION["logindata"]["role"] == "admin") $submenuarray["admin"] = "Admin"; $submenuarray["q=logout"] = "Logout"; $menuarray[$menuname] = $submenuarray; } $retArray["menuarray"] = $menuarray; // Admin Backend Menu $adminmenuarray = array(); $adminmenuarray["q=config&m=main"] = "General"; $adminmenuarray["q=users&m=main"] = "Users"; $adminmenuarray["q=groups&m=main"] = "Groups"; $adminmenuarray["q=servers&m=main"] = "Servers"; $adminmenuarray["q=mainmenu&m=main"] = "Mainmenu"; $adminmenuarray["q=queries&m=main"] = "Queries"; $adminmenuarray["trennlinie"] = "trennlinie"; $adminmenuarray["tsmmonitor"] = "TSM Monitor"; $adminmenuarray["q=logout"] = "Logout"; $retArray["adminmenuarray"] = $adminmenuarray; // Overview Boxes $ret = array(); $query = "SELECT * from cfg_overviewboxes order by sortorder asc"; $queryoverviewboxes = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); while (list ($subkey, $box) = each ($queryoverviewboxes)) { $query = "SELECT * from cfg_overviewqueries where parent='".$box['name']."' order by sortorder asc"; $queryoverview = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); $temp = array (); //print_r($queryoverview); while (list ($subkey, $ovquery) = each ($queryoverview)) { $ovquery['header'] = $queryoverview['name']; $temp[] = (array)$ovquery; } $ret[$box['name']] = $temp; } $retArray["infoboxarray"] = $ret; // Queries $dbret = array(); $query = "SELECT * from cfg_queries"; $querytablerows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); while (list ($subkey, $queryrow) = each ($querytablerows)) { $dbret[$queryrow['name']] = (array)$queryrow; } $retArray["queryarray"] = $dbret; // General settings $query = "SELECT * from cfg_config"; $rows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); $ret = array(); foreach ($rows as $key => $val) { $ret[$val['confkey']] = $val['confval']; } $retArray["settings"] = $ret; // Set Stylesheet $query = "SELECT stylesheet from cfg_users where username='".$_SESSION["logindata"]["user"]."'"; $row = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); $retArray["stylesheet"] = $row[0]['stylesheet']; // Colors $query = "SELECT * from cfg_colors"; $rows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); $ret = array(); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($rows)) { $ret[$val['name']] = $val['value']; } $retArray["colorsarray"] = $ret; // Servers $query = "SELECT * from cfg_servers"; $rows = fetchArrayDB($query, $conn); $ret = array(); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($rows)) { $ret[$val['servername']] = (array)$val; if ($val['default'] == 1) { $retArray["defaultserver"] = $val['servername']; } } $retArray["serverlist"] = $ret; return $retArray; } /** * findPath - find a external program in the search path * * @param string $binary the external program to search for * @param string $search_path the search path in which to look for the external program * @return string the full path to the external program or empty string if not found */ function findPath($binary, $search_path) { foreach ($search_path as $path) { if ((file_exists($path . "/" . $binary)) && (is_readable($path . "/" . $binary))) { return($path . "/" . $binary); } } } /** * connectDB - establish a DB connection via ADODB * * @param string $host the hostname of the DB server * @param string $port the portnumber for the DB connection * @param string $user the username for the DB connection * @param string $pass the password for the DB connection * @param string $db_name the name of the DB * @param string $db_type the type of the DB (currently only 'mysql') * @param string $retr the number attempts for the DB connection before a failure is reported * @return ADOConnection DB connection ID or error code if connection failed */ function connectDB($host, $port = "3306", $user, $pass, $db_name, $db_type, $retr = 20) { $try = 0; $hostport = $host . ":" . $port; $conn = NewADOConnection($db_type); while ($try <= $retries) { if ($conn->PConnect($hostport,$user,$pass,$db_name)) { return($conn); } $try++; usleep(50000); } die("FATAL: Cannot connect to database server on '$host':'$port'. Please make sure you have specified a valid database name in 'includes/config.php'\n"); return 0; } /** * closeDB - close an open DB connection * * @param ADOConnection $DBconn DB connection ID to be closed * @return string */ function closeDB($DBconn = FALSE) { if ($DBconn) { return $DBconn->Close(); } } /** * execDB - execute a SQL statement against the DB via ADODB * * @param string $sql SQL statement to execute * @param ADOConnection $DBconn DB connection ID to run the SQL against * @return ADORecordSet */ function execDB($sql, $DBconn = FALSE) { // $DBconn->debug = true; $sql = sanitizeSQL($sql); $recordSet = &$DBconn->Execute($sql); if (($recordSet) || ($DBconn->ErrorNo() == 0)) { return($recordSet); } else { echo "

Database Error (".$DBconn->ErrorNo().")



"; exit; } } /** * fetchCellDB - execute a SQL query against the DB via ADODB and * return only the first column of the fist row found * or a specified column of the fist row found * * @param string $sql SQL statement to execute * @param $column_name Column name to use instead of the first column * @param ADOConnection $DBconn DB connection ID to run the SQL against * @return string Content of the cell as a single variable */ function fetchCellDB($sql, $column_name, $DBconn = FALSE) { // $DBconn->debug = true; $sql = sanitizeSQL($sql); if ($column_name != '') { $DBconn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); } else { $DBconn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); } $recordSet = $DBconn->Execute($sql); if (($recordSet) || ($DBconn->ErrorNo() == 0)) { if (!$recordSet->EOF) { if ($column_name != '') { $column = $recordSet->fields[$column_name]; }else{ $column = $recordSet->fields[0]; } $recordSet->close(); return($column); } } else { echo "

Database Error (".$DBconn->ErrorNo().")



"; exit; } } /** * fetchRowDB - execute a SQL query against the DB via ADODB * and return only the first row found * * @param string $sql SQL statement to execute * @param ADOConnection $DBconn DB connection ID to run the SQL against * @return array First row of results as an associative array */ function fetchRowDB($sql, $DBconn = FALSE) { // $DBconn->debug = true; $sql = sanitizeSQL($sql); $DBconn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $recordSet = $DBconn->Execute($sql); if (($recordSet) || ($DBconn->ErrorNo() == 0)) { if (!$recordSet->EOF) { $recordFields = $recordSet->fields; $recordSet->close(); return($recordFields); } } else { echo "

Database Error (".$DBconn->ErrorNo().")



"; exit; } } /** * fetchArrayDB - execute a SQL query against the DB via ADODB * and return results in an associative array. * * @param string $sql SQL statement to execute * @param ADOConnection $DBconn DB connection ID to run the SQL against * @return array All results in an associative array */ function fetchArrayDB($sql, $DBconn = FALSE) { // $DBconn->debug = true; $sql = sanitizeSQL($sql); $recordArray = array(); $DBconn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $recordSet = &$DBconn->Execute($sql); if (($recordSet) || ($DBconn->ErrorNo() == 0)) { while ((!$recordSet->EOF) && ($recordSet)) { $recordArray{sizeof($recordArray)} = $recordSet->fields; $recordSet->MoveNext(); } $recordSet->close(); return($recordArray); } else { echo "

Database Error (".$DBconn->ErrorNo().")



"; exit; } } /** * fetchSplitArrayDB - execute a SQL query against the DB via ADODB * and return results in an associative array. * * @param string $sql SQL statement to execute * @param ADOConnection $DBconn DB connection ID to run the SQL against * @param string $rows_per_page number of rows per page a result will have * @return array All results in an associative array */ function fetchSplitArrayDB($sql, $DBconn = FALSE, $rows_per_page = '20') { // $DBconn->debug = true; global $max_pages; $page = intval($_GET['page']); $sql = sanitizeSQL($sql); $recordArray = array(); $DBconn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $recordSet = &$DBconn->Execute($sql); if (($recordSet) || ($DBconn->ErrorNo() == 0)) { $total_rows = $recordSet->RecordCount($recordSet); $max_pages = ceil($total_rows/$rows_per_page); if($page > $max_pages || $page <= 0) { $page = 1; } $offset = $rows_per_page * ($page-1); $endset = $offset + $rows_per_page; $recordSet->Move($offset); while (($recordSet->CurrentRow() < $endset) && ($recordSet->CurrentRow() < $total_rows) && ($recordSet)) { $recordArray{sizeof($recordArray)} = $recordSet->fields; $recordSet->MoveNext(); } $recordSet->close(); return($recordArray); } else { echo "

Database Error (".$DBconn->ErrorNo().")



"; exit; } } /** * updateDB - execute a SQL update statement against the DB via ADODB * to update a record. If the record is not found, an insert * statement is generated and executed. * * @param string $table The name of the table containing the record to be updated * @param array $cells An array of columnname/value pairs of the record to be updated * @param string $keys Name of the primary key * @param boolean $autoquote Use intelligent auto-quoting * @param ADOConnection $DBconn DB connection ID to run the SQL against * @return string Auto-increment ID if insert was performed */ function updateDB($table, $cells, $keys, $DBconn = FALSE, $autoquote = TRUE) { //$DBconn->debug = true; $DBconn->Replace($table, $cells, $keys, $autoquote); return $DBconn->Insert_ID(); } /** * sanitizeSQL - removes unwanted chars in values passed for use in * SQL statements * * @param string $sql SQL expression to sanitize * @return string */ function sanitizeSQL($sql) { $sql = str_replace(";", "\;", $sql); $sql = str_replace("\n", "", $sql); $sql = str_replace("\r", "", $sql); $sql = str_replace("\t", " ", $sql); return $sql; } ?>