#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Clemens # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import pyudev from mpd import (MPDClient, CommandError) from socket import error as SocketError from time import sleep # Configure MPD connection settings HOST = 'localhost' PORT = '6600' CON_ID = {'host':HOST, 'port':PORT} # Configure IO ports BUTTON = 24 LED = 17 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(BUTTON, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(LED, GPIO.OUT) ## Some functions def mpdConnect(client, con_id): """ Simple wrapper to connect MPD. """ try: client.connect(**con_id) except SocketError: return False return True def loadMusic(client, con_id, device): os.system("mount "+device+" /music/usb") os.system("/etc/init.d/mpd stop") os.system("rm /music/mp3/*") os.system("cp /music/usb/* /music/mp3/") os.system("umount /music/usb") os.system("rm /music/mpd/tag_cache") os.system("/etc/init.d/mpd start") os.system("mpc clear") os.system("mpc ls | mpc add") os.system("/etc/init.d/mpd restart") def flashLED(speed, time): for x in range(0, time): GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW) sleep(speed) GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.HIGH) sleep(speed) def updateLED(client): # adjust LED to actual state if client.status()["state"] == "play": GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW) else: GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.HIGH) def checkForUSBDevice(name): res = "" context = pyudev.Context() for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='partition'): if device.get('ID_FS_LABEL') == name: res = device.device_node return res def main(): ## MPD object instance client = MPDClient() mpdConnect(client, CON_ID) status = client.status() print status timebuttonisstillpressed = 0 flashLED(0.1, 5) updateLED(client) while True: device = checkForUSBDevice("1GB") # 1GB is the name of my thumb drive if device != "": # USB thumb drive has been inserted, new music will be copied flashLED(0.1, 5) client.disconnect() loadMusic(client, CON_ID, device) mpdConnect(client, CON_ID) print client.status() flashLED(0.1, 5) # wait until thumb drive is umplugged again while checkForUSBDevice("1GB") == device: sleep(1.0) flashLED(0.1, 5) if GPIO.input(BUTTON) == True: if timebuttonisstillpressed == 0: # button has been pressed, pause or unpause now if client.status()["state"] == "stop": client.play() else: client.pause() updateLED(client) elif timebuttonisstillpressed > 4: # go back one track if button is pressed > 4 secs client.previous() flashLED(0.1, 5) timebuttonisstillpressed = 0 timebuttonisstillpressed = timebuttonisstillpressed + 0.1 else: timebuttonisstillpressed = 0 sleep(0.1) # Script starts here if __name__ == "__main__": main()