#!/usr/pkg/bin/bash . ~/.shellfolio minus=$(tput setaf 1) plus=$(tput setaf 2) neutral=$(tput sgr0) totalvalue=0 totalgain=0 maxsymbolw=3 maxusdw=8 maxchange1hw=5 maxchange24hw=5 maxchange7dw=5 maxamountw=6 maxvaluew=5 maxgainw=5 linewidth=80 declare -a resultarr declare -a symbol declare -a change1h declare -a change24h declare -a change7d declare -a usd declare -a col1h declare -a col24h declare -a col7d declare -a amount declare -a paid declare -a value declare -a colgain declare -a gain # checks if value is positive or negative, returns color code colorize() { if [[ $1 == *"-"* ]]; then color=$minus else color=$plus fi echo $color } # fetch data from coinmarketcap.com i=0 for coin in $COINS do resultarr[$i]=$(curl -s -XGET "https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/$coin/?convert=usd") ((++i)) done # format and store result entries into arrays i=0 for result in "${resultarr[@]}" do symbol[$i]=$(echo $result | jq ".[0].symbol" | xargs printf "%s\n") change1h[$i]=$(echo $result | jq ".[0].percent_change_1h" | xargs printf "%.*f\n" 2) change24h[$i]=$(echo $result | jq ".[0].percent_change_24h" | xargs printf "%.*f\n" 2) change7d[$i]=$(echo $result | jq ".[0].percent_change_7d" | xargs printf "%.*f\n" 2) usd[$i]=$(echo $result | jq ".[0].price_usd" | xargs printf "%.*f\n" 8) col1h[$i]=$(colorize ${change1h[$i]}) col24h[$i]=$(colorize ${change24h[$i]}) col7d[$i]=$(colorize ${change7d[$i]}) # check if $symbol is set, split into $amount and $paid if [ -z ${!symbol[$i]} ]; then amount[$i]=0 paid[$i]=0 else IFS=: read -r amount[$i] paid[$i] <<< "${!symbol[$i]}" fi # calculates value of coins value[$i]=$(echo "scale=2; ((${amount[$i]}*${usd[$i]}) * 100) / 100" | bc) usd[$i]=$(echo "scale=6; (${usd[$i]} * 100 ) / 100" | bc) totalvalue=$(echo "scale=2; ${value[$i]}+$totalvalue" | bc) # calculates gain if [ "${paid[$i]}" -eq "0" ]; then gain[$i]=0 else gain[$i]=$(echo "scale=2; ((${value[$i]}-${paid[$i]}) * 100) / 100" | bc) fi colgain[$i]=$(colorize ${gain[$i]}) totalgain=$(echo "scale=2; ${gain[$i]}+$totalgain" | bc) # determine table column width if [ "${#symbol[$i]}" -gt "$maxsymbolw" ]; then maxsymbolw=${#symbol[$i]};fi if [ "${#usd[$i]}" -gt "$maxusdw" ]; then maxusdw=${#usd[$i]};fi if [ "${#change1h[$i]}" -gt "$maxchange1hw" ]; then maxchange1hw=${#change1h[$i]};fi if [ "${#change24h[$i]}" -gt "$maxchange24hw" ]; then maxchange24hw=${#change24h[$i]};fi if [ "${#change7d[$i]}" -gt "$maxchange7dw" ]; then maxchange7dw=${#change7d[$i]};fi if [ "${#amount[$i]}" -gt "$maxamountw" ]; then maxamountw=${#amount[$i]};fi if [ "${#value[$i]}" -gt "$maxvaluew" ]; then maxvaluew=${#value[$i]};fi if [ "${#gain[$i]}" -gt "$maxgainw" ]; then maxgainw=${#gain[$i]};fi ((++i)) done ((++maxchange1hw)) ((++maxchange24hw)) ((++maxchange7dw)) linewidth=$((8 + $maxsymbolw + $maxusdw + $maxchange1hw + $maxchange24hw + $maxchange7dw + $maxamountw + $maxvaluew + $maxgainw)) # print table header captions usdtemp=$(($maxusdw + 1)) printf "$neutral%${maxsymbolw}s %${usdtemp}s %${maxchange1hw}s %${maxchange24hw}s %${maxchange7dw}s %${maxamountw}s %${maxvaluew}s %${maxgainw}s\n" "Coin" "USD" "1h" "24h" "7d" "Amount" "Value" "Gain" # print table header line seq -s- ${linewidth}|tr -d '[:digit:]' printf "\n" # print one line per coin i=0 for result in "${resultarr[@]}" do printf "$neutral%${maxsymbolw}s %${maxusdw}.6f ${col1h[$i]}%${maxchange1hw}s ${col24h[$i]}%${maxchange24hw}s ${col7d[$i]}%${maxchange7dw}s $neutral%${maxamountw}s %${maxvaluew}.2f ${colgain[$i]}%${maxgainw}.2f$neutral\n" "${symbol[$i]}" "${usd[$i]}" "${change1h[$i]}%" "${change24h[$i]}%" "${change7d[$i]}%" "${amount[$i]}" "${value[$i]}" "${gain[$i]}" ((++i)) done # prints table footer line seq -s- ${linewidth}|tr -d '[:digit:]' printf "\n" totalvalpos=$(($linewidth - $maxgainw - 1)) #prints total coin value and total gain colgain=$(colorize $totalgain) printf "%${totalvalpos}.2f $colgain%${maxgainw}.2f$neutral\n" "$totalvalue" "$totalgain" exit 0