initial commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1 @@
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[submodule "themes/resume-a4"]
path = themes/resume-a4
url =
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
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title: "Resume | Michael Clemens"
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# Construct main column, side column and additional page from features
# Every column and page may include any features. Some features are
# created using generic widgets and you can add easily new features,
# as long as an existing widget can render it as you like.
# Common keys:
# feature: name of the feature. For generic features, this is also the root key in the yaml file.
# title: string rendered as the header of the element. Can be disabled with an empty string.
# collection: the base name of the yaml file containing the data. Defaults to "features".
# widget: `layout/partials/section-<widget>.html` used to render this element.
# Common widgets:
# details-list:
# Used by default, if section-<feature>.html doesn't exists.
# Expects data in format (in yaml file):
# title: the title string
# subtitle: string rendered under title. E.g., company for projects, certificate authority etc.
# date: date string, e.g., when a certificate was given
# details: a text in markdown.
# link: url where the title will link to
# links: list of links rendered as a bullet list below details
# prefix: a string before the link
# title: a string inside the link
# url: the destination of the link
# icon: the icon string, e.g., "fas fa-cloud". rendered inside link and after title.
# word-list:
# Handy for skills and interests etc.
# Additional keys:
# style: Rendering style for word list. One of: list, compact, or title-list
# Expects data in format (in yaml file):
# A list of strings, if style is "list", or
# A list of:
# groupName: title of the group
# list: list of strings rendered under the group
useFontAwesome: true
- custom.scss
avatar: avatar.jpg
contact: true
tagline: true
links: true
- feature: languages
- feature: skills
widget: word-list
style: title-list # list, compact, title-list
- feature: education
- feature: interests
widget: word-list
style: list
- features:
#- feature: about
# title: About Me
- feature: experience
- features:
- feature: projects
collection: projects
- feature: publications
title: Publications / Mentions
style: IEEE # IEEE, APA, else
#- feature: awards
#- feature: certificates
# title: Certifications
#- feature: interests
# widget: word-list
# style: list
show: true
credits: false
footnote: >-
You can print this resume in A4 size or save as pdf. | Last update on 2022-02-01.
#- prefix: Contact me on
# title: Linkedin
# url: ''
# icon: fab fa-linkedin
#- prefix: Check out my
# title: Website
# url: ''
# icon: fas fa-globe
- prefix:
title: Impress
url: ''
icon: fas fa-globe
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- name: "Fachinformatiker"
university: "epos consulting & software GmbH, Neckarsulm"
date: "09/2000 - 03/2004"
- name: "Abitur"
university: "Technisches Gymnasium Heilbronn"
date: "09/1996 - 06/1999"
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
- company: Schwarz IT KG, Neckarsulm
- role: Information Security Analyst
details: "- Incident handling and analysis\n
- Threat Intelligence Management"
date: "09/2020 - Present"
- role: Information Security Engineer
details: "- Development and operation of the Qualys vulnerability scanner\n
- Inhouse consulting on information security-related issues\n
- Support of the departments in risk assessment\n
- Technical support of the Information Security Officers\n
- Development of hardening guidelines"
date: "09/2018 - 08/2020"
- company: Fujitsu TDS GmbH, Neckarsulm
- role: IT-Security Engineer
details: "- Operation and further development of the SIEM solution\n
- Forensic analysis\n
- Operation of the vulnerability scanner"
date: "01/2017 - 08/2018"
- company: Bürkert Werke GmbH, Ingelfingen
- role: Senior Information Security Administrator
details: "- Conception of an information security awareness campaign\n
- Evaluation of new IT security guidelines, measures and products\n
- Operation of IT security products"
date: "01/2016 - 12/2016"
- company: Cirosec GmbH, Heilbronn
- role: Information Security Consultant
details: "- Penetration testing (web apps, Windows systems, networks)\n
- Conduction of configuration assessments (OS, application servers, VPN)\n
- Development of hardening policies (OS, applications servers, VPN)\n
- Conduction of conceptual analyses\n
- Development and conduction of security trainings"
date: "03/2011 - 12/2015"
- company: dsb AG, Neckarsulm
- role: System and Database Administrator
details: "- System administrator IBM AIX\n
- Database administrator ADABAS C and DB2\n
- Backup administrator Tivoli Storage Manager"
date: "11/2004 - 02/2011"
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
name: Michael Clemens
tagline: Information Security Expert
- title: LinkedIn
icon: fab fa-linkedin
- title: Website
icon: fab fa-globe
- title: Git
icon: fab fa-github
details: |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ornare sollicitudin fringilla.
Aenean nec volutpat arcu. Maecenas quis tempus risus. Curabitur condimentum ligula in erat pharetra porta.
Nam suscipit nisi a bibendum lacinia.
- groupName: Security Tools
- Nessus - Qualys - NMap
- Burp - HP Webinspect
- McAfee SIEM
- IntelMQ - MISP
- groupName: Programming & Systems
- Python - Bash - Git - Docker
- Debian - RHEL - OpenBSD - Windows
- Breaking things
- Fixing things
- Amateur Radio
- Everything 8-bit
- name: German
level: Native
- name: English
level: Professional
- name: French
level: Rudimentary
# This will use the default widget: "details-list"
- title: "Tübitak - Graduation Project"
date: "2017"
subtitle: "A Decision Support System for 3D Cutting Problem"
#details: |
# - add more here if you like to.
# - or just comment out/delete the field.
- title: example
icon: fas fa-bolt
prefix: "This is an " # use quotation marks if you want to pass the tailing space.
- title: second link.
url: https://esdfdsfdsf
icon: "-" # you can get rid of the icon by entering dummy text
prefix: "omg"
- title: "Supervised Learning: Regression"
subtitle: Coursera
date: "2020"
link: # This link will be on title level.
- title: "Supervised Learning: Classification"
subtitle: Coursera
date: "2020"
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
- title: "Development and implementation of a threat intelligence collection and distribution system"
subtitle: "2021 (Python, PostgreSQL)"
details: |
Design, development and implementation of a message pipeline hub for collection and deduplication of IOCs (indicators of compromise) from threat intelligence feeds and threat sharing platforms (eg. MISP) based on IntelMQ. Distribution/Revocation of deduplicated and normalized IOCs (eg. URLs, hashes) to external systems.
- title: "Development of a solution for the automated creation of use case documentation"
subtitle: "2018 (Python)"
details: |
Development of a python based solution to automatically generate use case and correlation rule documentation in Markdown format for the McAfee Enterprise Security Manager (ESM).
- title: esm2markdown on gitea
icon: fab fa-github
#- title: "Evaluation of an application whitelisting solution"
# subtitle: "2016"
# date:
# details: |
# Evaluation of an application whitelisting solution for a global manufacturing company.
- title: "Development of a Tivoli Storage Manager monitoring application"
subtitle: "2009 - 2011 (PHP, MySQL)"
details: |
Development of a PHP web application to help IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) administrators to quickly get reports and health status information of their TSM servers with many users around the world including a big german insurance company.
- title: TSM Monitor on gitea
icon: fab fa-github
- title: "Personal Side Projects"
subtitle: "Various smaller side projects, not related to any of my employments:"
- title: Hardrock-50 Remote Display - ESP32 based remote display for an amateur radio power amplifier
icon: fab fa-github
- title: qrzlogger - Python application to log amateur radio contacts from the command line
icon: fab fa-github
- title: pyBMNotify - Python script for monitoring the Brandmeister network and sending push notifications
icon: fab fa-github
- title: - Amateur radio callsign data query script written in Bash
icon: fab fa-github
- title: MSTerminology - Translates strings used in all kind of Microsoft products
icon: fab fa-github
- title: Nmap-sqlite-output - Nmap NSE script for storing scan results into sqlite3 databases
icon: fab fa-github
- title: Shellfolio - Command line cryptocurrency portfolio manager and price tracker
icon: fab fa-github
- title: nsd-dyndns - Dynamic DNS for NSD
icon: fab fa-github
- title: The Laundruino - Washing machine monitoring with an Arduino
icon: fab fa-github
- title: The One Button Audio Book Player - The one button audiobook player
icon: fab fa-github
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
- authors:
- last_name: McManus
first_name: Sean
- last_name: Cook
first_name: Mike
date: "2013"
title: "Raspberri Pi for Dummies"
journal: One-Button Audiobook Player as one of 'Ten Inspiring Projects for the Raspberry Pi'
page: "371-372"
- authors:
date: "2013"
title: Linux User & Developer Magazine
journal: "10 amazing Raspberry Pi projects - The one-button audio player"
page: "26"
- authors:
- last_name: Clemens
first_name: Michael
date: "2012"
title: "Menschengemachte Schwachstellen auf der 2012"
journal: iX 12/2012
- authors:
- last_name: Donath
first_name: Andreas
date: "2011"
title: "Laundruino - Waschmaschine mit Onlineanschluss"
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Subproject commit 661a99622c2259ca20b3aa4a11b202e8d6bc6b40
Reference in New Issue