[qrzlogger] # MANDATORY configuration seetings # Enter here your station call (must match with the QRZ.com logbook) station_call = MYCALL # Enter here you API key. You find it under "settings" in the QRZ.com logbook api_key = 1234-ABCD-1234-A1B2 # Enter here you QRZ.com user name, typically your call sign qrz_user = N0CALL # Entere here you QRZ.com password (not the API key) qrz_pass = q1w2e3r4t5z6u7i8o9 # OPTIONAL configuration seetings # The fields you want to pull from the XML service when querying a call sign xml_fields = ("call", "band", "mode", "qso_date", "time_on", "rst_sent", "rst_rcvd", "comment") # The name and path of the log file where successful and failed ADIF records will be logged into log_file = qrzlogger.log # Default values for new QSOs band = 40m mode = SSB rst_rcvd = 59 rst_sent = 59 tx_pwr = 5 # Change these colors to your liking use_colors = yes inputcol = fore.YELLOW hlcol = fore.YELLOW defvalcol = fore.LIGHT_BLUE errorcol = fore.RED successcol = fore.GREEN tablecol = fore.LIGHT_BLUE logocol = fore.YELLOW