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2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# qrzlogger
# =========
# This script is a QRZ.com command line QSO logger.
# It does the following:
# 1) asks the user for a call sign
# 2) displays available call sign info pulled from QRZ.com
# 3) displays all previous QSOs with this call (pulled from QRZ.com logbook)
# 4) alles the user to enter QSO specific data (date, time, report, band etc.)
# 5) uploads the QSO to QRZ.com's logbook
# 6) lists the last 5 logged QSOs ((pulled from QRZ.com logbook)
# 7) starts again from 1)
import requests
import urllib
import re
import datetime
import os
import sys
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
import xmltodict
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from datetime import date
from datetime import timezone
import configparser
2021-05-21 16:20:34 +02:00
from colored import fore, back, style
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
class QRZLogger():
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
# initialize things
def __init__(self):
# Define the configuration object
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
self.config_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.qrzlogger.ini')
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
self.writeDefaultConfig(self.config, self.config_file)
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
if self.config and self.config['log']['log_file']:
self.log_file = self.config['log']['log_file']
2021-05-25 22:55:01 +02:00
self.log_file = "/tmp/qrzlogger.log"
# QRZ.com URLs
self.xml_url = "https://xmldata.QRZ.com/xml/current/"
self.api_url = "https://logbook.qrz.com/api"
# headers for all POST requests
self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
self.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
# Default colors
self.inputcol = style.RESET
self.hlcol = style.RESET
self.defvalcol = style.RESET
self.errorcol = style.RESET
self.successcol = style.RESET
self.tablecol = style.RESET
self.logocol = style.RESET
# read colors from config and overwrite default vaulues
# Read color settings from config file
def configColors(self):
if self.config and self.config['colors']['use_colors'] == "yes":
self.inputcol = eval(self.config['colors']['inputcol'])
self.hlcol = eval(self.config['colors']['hlcol'])
self.defvalcol = eval(self.config['colors']['defvalcol'])
self.errorcol = eval(self.config['colors']['errorcol'])
self.successcol = eval(self.config['colors']['successcol'])
self.tablecol = eval(self.config['colors']['tablecol'])
self.logocol = eval(self.config['colors']['logocol'])
def writeDefaultConfig(self, config, file_name):
if os.path.isfile(file_name):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config['qrz.com'] = {
'station_call': 'MYCALL # Enter here your station call (must match with the QRZ.com logbook)',
'api_key': '1234-ABCD-1234-A1B2 # Enter here you API key. You find it under "settings" in the QRZ.com logbook',
'qrz_user': 'N0CALL # Enter here you QRZ.com user name, typically your call sign',
'qrz_pass': 'q1w2e3r4t5z6u7i8o9 # Enter here you QRZ.com password (not the API key)',
'xml_fields': '("call", "band", "mode", "qso_date", "time_on", "rst_sent", "rst_rcvd", "comment")'}
config['log'] = {
'log_file': '/tmp/qrzlogger.log'}
config['qso_defaults'] = {
'band': '40m',
'mode': 'SSB',
'rst_rcvd': '59',
'rst_sent': '59',
'tx_pwr': '5'}
config['colors'] = {
'use_colors': 'yes',
'inputcol': 'fore.YELLOW',
'hlcol': 'fore.YELLOW',
'defvalcol': 'fore.LIGHT_BLUE',
'errorcol': 'fore.RED',
'successcol': 'fore.GREEN',
'tablecol': 'fore.LIGHT_BLUE',
'logocol': 'fore.YELLOW'}
config['bandfreqs'] = {
'160m': '1.850',
'80m': '3.700',
'60m': '5.355',
'40m': '7.100',
'30m': '10.130',
'20m': '14.200',
'17m': '18.130',
'15m': '21.200',
'12m': '24.950',
'10m': '28.500',
'6m': '50.150',
'2m': '145.500',
'70cm': '432.300'
with open(file_name, 'w') as configfile:
2021-06-01 16:35:36 +02:00
print("\nNo configuration file found. A new configuration file has been created.")
print("\nPlease edit the file " + file_name + " and restart the application.\n" )
return config
2021-05-25 22:55:01 +02:00
# QRZ.com API Functions #
2021-05-25 22:55:01 +02:00
# Generate a session for QRZ.com's xml service with
# the help of the QRZ.com username and password
def get_session(self):
session_key = None
data = {
'username' : self.config['qrz.com']['qrz_user'],
'password' : self.config['qrz.com']['qrz_pass']
2021-05-25 22:55:01 +02:00
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = bool(os.getenv('SSL_VERIFY', True))
r = session.post(self.xml_url, data=data)
if r.status_code == 200:
raw_session = xmltodict.parse(r.content)
if raw_session.get('QRZDatabase').get('Session').get('Error'):
print(self.errorcol + "\nError while logging into the QRZ.com XML Service:\n")
session_key = raw_session.get('QRZDatabase').get('Session').get('Key')
if session_key:
return session_key
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e_conn:
print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to connect to xmldata.qrz.com:")
print("\nPlease check if\n * username and password are correct (see config.ini)\n * you are connected to the internet")
print(self.errorcol + "\nsomething unexpected has happened:\n")
return session_key
# Sends a POST request to QRZ.com, checks for errors
# and returns the response
def sendRequest(self, post_data):
resp = requests.post(self.api_url, headers=self.headers, data=post_data)
if resp.status_code == 200:
str_resp = resp.content.decode("utf-8")
response = urllib.parse.unquote(str_resp)
resp_list = response.splitlines()
if resp_list[0]:
if "invalid api key" in resp_list[0]:
print(self.errorcol + "\nThe API key configured in config.ini is not correct.\n" + style.RESET)
return response
elif resp.status_code == 404:
print(self.errorcol + "\nThe API URL could not be found. Please check the URL in config.ini\n" + style.RESET)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e_conn:
print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to connect to xmldata.qrz.com:")
print("\nPlease check if you are connected to the internet")
print(self.errorcol + "\nsomething unexpected has happened:\n")
return None
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
# Query QRZ.com's xml api to gather information
# about a specific call sign
def getCallData(self, call, session_key):
2021-05-25 22:55:01 +02:00
data = {
's' : session_key,
'callsign' : call
2021-05-25 22:55:01 +02:00
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = bool(os.getenv('SSL_VERIFY', True))
r = session.post(self.xml_url, data=data)
raw = xmltodict.parse(r.content).get('QRZDatabase')
calldata = raw.get('Callsign')
if calldata:
return calldata
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e_conn:
print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to connect to xmldata.qrz.com:")
print("\nPlease check if you are connected to the internet")
print(self.errorcol + "\nsomething unexpected has happened:\n")
return None
# Query QRZ.com's logbook for all previous QSOs
# with a specific call sign or for a specific
# logid
def getQSOs(self, option):
post_data = {
'KEY' : self.config['qrz.com']['api_key'],
'OPTION' : "TYPE:ADIF," + option
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
post_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data)
response = self.sendRequest(post_data)
if response:
resp_list = response.splitlines()
result = [{}]
for i in resp_list:
if not i:
if any(s+":" in i for s in self.config['qrz.com']['xml_fields']):
i = re.sub('<','',i, flags=re.DOTALL)
i = re.sub(':.*>',":",i, flags=re.DOTALL)
v = re.sub('^.*:',"",i, flags=re.DOTALL)
k = re.sub(':.*$',"",i, flags=re.DOTALL)
result[-1][k] = v
return result
return None
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
# Sends the previously collected QSO information as a new
# QRZ.com logbook entry via the API
def sendQSO(self, qso, call):
logid = "null"
log_status = "FAILED: "
# construct ADIF QSO entry
adif = '<station_callsign:' + str(len(self.config['qrz.com']['station_call'])) + '>' + self.config['qrz.com']['station_call']
adif += '<call:' + str(len(call)) + '>' + call
for field in qso:
adif += '<' + field + ':' + str(len(qso[field][1])) + '>' + qso[field][1]
adif += '<eor>'
# construct POST data
post_data = { 'KEY' : self.config['qrz.com']['api_key'], 'ACTION' : 'INSERT', 'ADIF' : adif }
# URL encode the payload
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data)
# send the POST request to QRZ.com
response = self.sendRequest(data)
# Check if the upload failed and print out
# the reason plus some additional info
if response:
if "STATUS=FAIL" in response:
print("QSO upload failed. QRZ.com has send the following reason:\n")
resp_list = response.split("&")
for item in resp_list:
print("\nPlease review the following request that led to this error:\n")
logid = re.search('LOGID=(\d+)', response).group(1)
logid = "null"
print("QSO successfully uploaded to QRZ.com (LOGID "+ logid + ")")
log_status = "SUCCESS: "
with open(self.log_file, "a") as log:
log.write(log_status + adif + "\n")
return logid
print(self.errorcol + "\nA critical error occured. Please review all previous output." + style.RESET)
# Functions for generating ASCII Tables #
# Generate a pretty ascii table containing all
# previous QSOs with a specific call sign
def getQSOTable(self, result):
t = PrettyTable(['Date', 'Time', 'Band', 'Mode', 'RST-S', 'RST-R', 'Power', 'Comment'])
for qso in result:
if "qso_date" in qso:
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(qso["qso_date"], '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
time = datetime.datetime.strptime(qso["time_on"], '%H%M').strftime('%H:%M')
# add missing fields to dict
for field in ["band", "mode", "rst_sent", "rst_rcvd", "tx_pwr", "comment"]:
if field not in qso:
qso[field] = ""
t.add_row([date, time, qso["band"], qso["mode"], qso["rst_sent"], qso["rst_rcvd"], qso["tx_pwr"], qso["comment"]])
t.align = "r"
return t
# Print a pretty ascii table containing all interesting
# data found for a specific call sign
def getXMLQueryTable(self, result):
t = PrettyTable(['key', 'value'])
if "fname" in result:
t.add_row(["First Name", result["fname"]])
if "name" in result:
t.add_row(["Last Name", result["name"]])
if "addr1" in result:
t.add_row(["Street", result["addr1"]])
if "addr2" in result:
t.add_row(["City", result["addr2"]])
if "state" in result:
t.add_row(["State", result["state"]])
if "country" in result:
t.add_row(["Country", result["country"]])
if "grid" in result:
t.add_row(["Locator", result["grid"]])
if "email" in result:
t.add_row(["Email", result["email"]])
if "qslmgr" in result:
t.add_row(["QSL via:", result["qslmgr"]])
t.align = "l"
t.header = False
return t
# Print a pretty ascii table containing all
# previously entered user data
def getQSODetailTable(self, qso):
t = PrettyTable(['key', 'value'])
for q in qso:
t.add_row([qso[q][0], qso[q][1]])
t.align = "l"
t.header = False
return t
# User Interaction Functions #
# Queries QSO specific data from the user via
# the command line
def queryQSOData(self, qso):
dt = datetime.datetime.now(timezone.utc)
dt_now = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# pre-fill the fields with date, time and
# default values from the config file
qso_date = dt_now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
time_on = dt_now.strftime("%H%M")
band = self.config['qso_defaults']['band']
freq = ""
mode = self.config['qso_defaults']['mode']
rst_rcvd = self.config['qso_defaults']['rst_rcvd']
rst_sent = self.config['qso_defaults']['rst_sent']
tx_pwr = self.config['qso_defaults']['tx_pwr']
comment = ""
# If this is the first try filling out the QSO fields
# then we use defaults
if qso is None:
questions = {
"qso_date" : ["QSO Date",qso_date],
"time_on": ["QSO Time", time_on],
"band": ["Band", band],
"freq": ["Frequency", freq],
"mode": ["Mode", mode],
"rst_rcvd": ["RST Received", rst_rcvd],
"rst_sent": ["RST Sent", rst_sent],
"tx_pwr": ["Power (in W)", tx_pwr],
"comment": ["Comment", comment]
# if this is not the first try, we pre-fill the
# vaulues we got from the last try
questions = qso
# We now loop through all defined fields and ask
# the user for input
for q in questions:
txt = self.inputcol + questions[q][0] + " [" + self.defvalcol + questions[q][1] + self.inputcol + "]:" + style.RESET
inp = input(txt)
# If the user just hits enter, we keep the default value.
# If not, we keep the data provided by the user
if inp == "c":
return None
if inp != "":
questions[q][1] = inp
# check if we are asking for the band
if q == "band":
# check if the band is in the bandfreqs dictionary
# populate the frequency with a common freq of this band
bandfreqs = dict(self.config.items('bandfreqs'))
questions['freq'][1] = bandfreqs[questions[q][1]]
print(self.errorcol + "\nUnable to read default frequency values from config file." + style.RESET)
return questions
# ask a user a simple y/n question
# returns True if "y"
# returns False in "n"
def askUser(self, question):
while True:
inp = input("\n" + self.inputcol + question + " [" + self.defvalcol + "y/n" + self.inputcol + "]: " + style.RESET)
if inp == "y":
return True
elif inp == "n":
return False
# initialize things
def __init__(self):
# Define the configuration object
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
self.config_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.qrzlogger.ini')
self.writeDefaultConfig(self.config, self.config_file)
if self.config and self.config['log']['log_file']:
self.log_file = self.config['log']['log_file']
self.log_file = "/tmp/qrzlogger.log"
# QRZ.com URLs
self.xml_url = "https://xmldata.QRZ.com/xml/current/"
self.api_url = "https://logbook.qrz.com/api"
# headers for all POST requests
self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
self.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
# Default colors
self.inputcol = style.RESET
self.hlcol = style.RESET
self.defvalcol = style.RESET
self.errorcol = style.RESET
self.successcol = style.RESET
self.tablecol = style.RESET
self.logocol = style.RESET
# read colors from config and overwrite default vaulues
# print an awesome banner
def printBanner(self):
print(self.logocol + " _ ")
print(" __ _ _ _ __| |___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ ")
print(" / _` | '_|_ / / _ \/ _` / _` / -_) '_|")
print(" \__, |_| /__|_\___/\__, \__, \___|_| ")
print(" |_| DL6MHC |___/|___/ v0.6 " + style.RESET)
2021-05-25 22:55:01 +02:00
# Main Routine #
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
def main():
q = QRZLogger()
2021-05-20 18:05:33 +02:00
keeponlogging = True
session_key = None
2021-05-24 14:46:28 +02:00
# Begin the main loop
2021-05-21 10:47:02 +02:00
while keeponlogging:
# get a session after logging into QRZ with user/pass
session_key = q.get_session()
# query a call sign from the user
resume = True
call = input("\n\n%sEnter Callsign:%s " % (q.inputcol, style.RESET))
# check if it has the format of a valid call sign
# (at least 3 characters, only alphanumeric and slashes)
if not (len(call) > 2 and call.replace("/", "").isalnum()):
print(q.errorcol + "\nPlease enter a callsign with\n * at least 3 characters\n * only letters, numbers and slashes" + style.RESET)
resume = False
if resume:
# make the call sign all upper case
call = call.upper()
# query call sign data from QRZ
result = q.getCallData(call, session_key)
# the query was successful
if result:
print ('\n%s%sQRZ.com results for %s%s' % (style.UNDERLINED, q.hlcol, call, style.RESET))
# generate a nice ascii table with the result
tab = q.getXMLQueryTable(result)
# print the table
# the query was unsuccessful
2021-05-21 10:47:02 +02:00
print ('\n%s%s has no record on QRZ.com ¯\_(ツ)_/¯%s' % (q.errorcol, call, style.RESET))
# ask the user if he/she likes to continue anyway
if not q.askUser("Continue logging this call sign?"):
# restart from the beginning
resume = False
if resume:
# pull all previous QSOs from tzhe QRZ logbook
result = q.getQSOs("CALL:"+ call)
# ignore this part if there were no previous QSOs
2021-05-24 14:46:28 +02:00
if result and result[0]:
print ('%s%sPrevious QSOs with %s%s' % (style.UNDERLINED, q.hlcol, call, style.RESET))
# generate a nice ascii table with the result
tab = q.getQSOTable(result)
# print the table
print ('%s%sEnter new QSO details below%s%s (enter \'c\' to cancel)%s\n' % (style.UNDERLINED, q.hlcol, style.RESET, q.hlcol, style.RESET,))
qso_ok = False
qso = None
# we now ask the user for QSO details until he/she is happy with the result
while not qso_ok and resume:
# query QSO details from the user
qso = q.queryQSOData(qso)
# the user has answered all questions
if qso:
print ('\n%s%sPlease review your choices%s' % (style.UNDERLINED, q.hlcol, style.RESET))
# generate a pretty table
tab = q.getQSODetailTable(qso)
# print the table
# ask user if everything is ok. If not, start over.
if q.askUser("Is this correct?"):
logid = q.sendQSO(qso, call)
if logid and logid != "null":
# pull the uploaded QSO from QRZ
result = q.getQSOs("LOGIDS:"+ logid)
if result and result[0]:
#print ('%sQSO uploaded to QRZ.com:%s' % (hlcol, style.RESET))
# generate a nice ascii table with the result
tab = q.getQSOTable(result)
# print the table
qso_ok = True
# the user has entered 'c' during the QSO detail entering process
resume = False
2021-05-21 16:20:34 +02:00
if __name__ == "__main__":