# nsd-dyndns ## Introduction nsd-dyndns is a simple script that adds dynamic DNS dunctionality to NSD (authoritative DNS name server). ## Requirements The following is required or suggested: * OpenBSD (or another BSD or some Linux distro) with HTTPD and NSD installed (pkg_add nsd), configured and running * (sub-)domain for your webserver. Needed for updating the NS record of your actual DynDNS domain. * In this example: update.example.com * (sub-)domain that is updated dynamically. * In this example: dyn.example.com * A router capable of sending custom GET-requests to your DynDNS server. * In this example: A FritzBox ## Installation ### Configure your HTTPD Add the following new virtual host to your /etc/httpd.conf: ``` server "update.example.com" { listen on $ext_addr port 80 root "/htdocs/dyndns" log access dyndns.log } ``` Create an empty index.html: ``` # mkdir /var/www/htdocs/dyndns/ # touch /var/www/htdocs/dyndns/update.html ``` After reloading HTTPD, try to access http://update.example.com/update.html The request should show up in /var/www/logs/dyndns.log ### Create a zone file for dyn.example.com Create a new zone file (e.g. at /var/nsd/zones/dyn.example.com.zone) with the following content ``` $ORIGIN example.com. $TTL 300 @ IN SOA ns1.example.com. admin.example.com. ( 1524952218 300 ; refresh 900 ; retry 1209600 ; expire 1800 ; ttl ) ; Name servers IN NS ns1.example.com. IN NS ns1.example.com. ; A records @ IN A update IN A dyn IN A ``` Don't forget to set your own domain names, name servers and ip addresses Furthermore, add this zone file to your /var/nsd/etc/nsd.conf ### Configure and Install nsd-dyndns * Copy _dyndns.conf-dist_ to _/etc/dyndns.conf_ * Edit _/etc/dyndns.conf_ to your needs * Copy _dyndns.sh_ to _/usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh_ * Make the script executable: * _# chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh_ * Add _/usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh_ to your crontab ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ```