//*************************************************************************************** //* Hermes Lite 2 Interface Box * //* * //* Reads I2C data from the Hermes Lite 2 and a) controls an antenna switch based * //* on the selected band and b) sets the correct LPF of the Hardrock 50 Power Amp * //* * //* Based on HL2-PA70 by Cesc Gudayol (EA3IGT) Version 3.0.1 from 01/04/2021 * //* More info at: https://github.com/ea3igt/HL2-PA70 * //* * //* Adapted by Michael Clemens (DK1MI) * //* * //*************************************************************************************** //* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND * //*************************************************************************************** // // Pin Configuration: // - PIN A04 INPUT: SDA for I2C Slave (Hermes Lite 2 Control bus) // - PIN A05 INPUT: SCL for I2C Slave (Hermes Lite 2 Control bus) // - PIN D10 OUTPUT: Antenna Switch #include //For I2C control #include //To store values from PA70-Controller #include //Library to delay inside one Interrupt //#define TEST //Uncomment if Testing (Serial Monitor traces) // Declaration for the Hermes Lites v2 I2C (Listen to Adress 0x20) // HW SDA pin A4 // HW SCL pin A5 #define Antenna 10 //Pin D10 // Other Configurations byte previousI2CBand; //to store previously I2C Band decoded int selected_antenna = 0; // SetUp function initializations void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // I2C Slave Setup Wire.begin(0x20); // join i2c bus with address to listen Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); // register event // Antenna pinMode(Antenna, OUTPUT); delay(200); //Get stored Band from EEPROM for initial filter selection previousI2CBand=EEPROM.read(1); //Read I2C byte Band from EEPROM byte 1 decodeBand(previousI2CBand); } // Main loop program void loop() { // do nothing } void receiveEvent(int howMany) { //Triggered when receive I2C information from HL2 byte c[10]; int i= 0; while (0 < Wire.available()) { // loop through all but the last c[i] = Wire.read(); // receive byte as a character i++; } #ifdef TEST Serial.print(F("I2C BUS DATA:")); Serial.println(c[1]); // write to usb monitor #endif byte myC=c[1] & B00111111; //Get 6 least significative bits decodeBand(myC); //Decode Band // toggle Antenna digitalWrite(Antenna,selected_antenna); //Store Last Selected Band into EEPROM EEPROM.write(1,myC); //Byte 1 for I2C decoded #ifdef TEST // write to usb monitor Serial.print(F("LPF BAND CONTROL (Binary):")); Serial.println(selectedBand); Serial.print(F("PTT CONTROL:")); Serial.println(PTTStatus); #endif } //Function to decode HL2 band and select/map the filter //**************** Change accordingly ***************** void decodeBand(byte c) { switch (c) { case 0x1: //160m selected_antenna = 0; Serial.println("HRBN10;"); // sets the Hardrock-50 to 160m break; case 0x2: //80m selected_antenna = 0; Serial.println("HRBN9;"); // sets the Hardrock-50 to 80m break; case 0x4: //60m & 40m selected_antenna = 0; Serial.println("HRBN7;"); // sets the Hardrock-50 to 40m break; case 0x8: //30m & 20m selected_antenna = 1; Serial.println("HRBN5;"); // sets the Hardrock-50 to 20m break; case 0x10: //17m & 15m selected_antenna = 1; Serial.println("HRBN3;"); // sets the Hardrock-50 to 15m break; case 0x20: //12m & 10m selected_antenna = 1; Serial.println("HRBN1;"); // sets the Hardrock-50 to 10m break; case 0x00: //6m selected_antenna = 1; Serial.println("HRBN0;"); // sets the Hardrock-50 to 6m break; } }