#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pylint: disable=W1401,C0303 # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string """ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | ____ _ __ ____ | | / __ \ |/ // __ \____ _____ ____ _____ | | / / / / // /_/ / __ `/ __ `/ _ \/ ___/ | | / /_/ / |/ ____/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / | | /_____/_/|_/_/ \__,_/\__, /\___/_/ | | -= DK1MI =- /____/ | | | | | | A DAPNET bot that alerts you when stations pop up on a DX cluster | | that are new ones | | | | Author: Michael Clemens, DK1MI (dxpager@qrz.is) | | | | Documentation: Please see the README.md file | | License: Please see the LICENSE file | | Repository: https://codeberg.org/mclemens/dxpager | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ """ import sys import csv import re import os from os.path import exists import configparser import zipfile from telnetlib import Telnet from pathlib import Path import json import requests import hashlib from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from cachetools import TTLCache class DXPager(): """DXPager class""" def __init__(self): """initialize things""" self.print_banner() self.cache = TTLCache(maxsize=100, ttl=3600) self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.home_dir = str(Path.home()) self.config_dir = self.home_dir + "/.config/dxpager/" # Check if config directory exists and else create it Path(self.config_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.config_file = os.path.expanduser(self.config_dir + 'dxpager.ini') self.read_config(self.config, self.config_file) self.check_files() if self.config['lotw']['user'] != "N0CALL" and self.check_lotw_confirmed: self.confirmed_entities = self.get_confirmed_entities() if self.check_cty: with open(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty'], encoding='us-ascii') as csvfile: self.cty = list(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')) if self.check_lotw_activity: with open(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity'], encoding='us-ascii') as csvfile: self.lotw_activity = list(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')) @staticmethod def print_banner(): """print an awesome banner""" print(" ____ _ __ ____ ") print(" / __ \ |/ // __ \____ _____ ____ _____ ") print(" / / / / // /_/ / __ `/ __ `/ _ \/ ___/ ") print(" / /_/ / |/ ____/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / ") print(" /_____/_/|_/_/ \__,_/\__, /\___/_/ ") print(" -= DK1MI =- /____/ ") print("") @staticmethod def read_config(config, file_name): """reads the configuration from the config file or creates a default config file if none could be found""" if os.path.isfile(file_name): config.read(file_name) else: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config['cluster'] = { 'host': 'dxc.nc7j.com', 'port': '7373', 'user': 'N0CALL', 'timeout': '100'} config['dapnet'] = { 'dapnet_user': 'N0CALL', 'dapnet_pass': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'dapnet_url': 'http://www.hampager.de:8080/calls', 'dapnet_callsigns': 'N0CALL', 'dapnet_txgroup': 'dl-all'} config['files'] = { 'cty': 'cty.csv', 'cty_url': 'https://www.country-files.com/bigcty/download/bigcty.zip', 'lotw_confirmed': 'lotw.adi', 'lotw_activity': 'lotw-user-activity.csv', 'lotw_activity_url': 'https://lotw.arrl.org/lotw-user-activity.csv'} config['lotw'] = { 'user': 'N0CALL', 'password': 'CHANGEME', 'mode': 'ssb'} with open(file_name, 'w', encoding='us-ascii') as configfile: config.write(configfile) print("\nNo configuration file found. A new configuration file has been created.") print("\nPlease edit the file " + file_name + " and restart the application.\n" ) sys.exit() return config @staticmethod def download_file(url, local_filename): """downloads a file via HTTP and saves it to a defined file""" with requests.get(url, stream=True) as request: request.raise_for_status() with open(local_filename, 'wb') as file: for chunk in request.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): file.write(chunk) return local_filename def check_files(self): """Checks if all necessary files are in the file system. Downloads all files and unzips them (if necessary)""" # check for lotw qsl information file if self.config['lotw']['user'] != "N0CALL": self.check_lotw_confirmed = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed']) if not self.check_lotw_confirmed: print("The file " + self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed'] + " is missing.") user = self.config['lotw']['user'] password = self.config['lotw']['password'] mode = self.config['lotw']['mode'] url = "https://lotw.arrl.org/lotwuser/lotwreport.adi?login={}&password={}"\ "&qso_query=1&qso_qsl=yes&qso_mode={}&qso_qsldetail=yes&"\ "qso_qslsince=1970-01-01".format(user, password, mode) print("Trying to download " + url) self.download_file(url, self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed']) self.check_lotw_confirmed = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed']) if self.check_lotw_confirmed: print("File successfully downloaded") else: print("something went wrong while downloading " + url) else: self.check_lotw_confirmed = False # check for cty.csv file self.check_cty = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty']) if not self.check_cty: url = self.config['files']['cty_url'] print("The file " + self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty'] + " is missing.") print("Trying to download " + url) zip_name = self.download_file(url, self.config_dir + "bigcty.zip" ) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extract("cty.csv", path=self.config_dir) os.remove(zip_name) self.check_cty = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['cty']) if self.check_cty: print("File successfully downloaded and extracted.") else: print("something went wrong while downloading " + url) # check for lotw user activity file self.check_lotw_activity = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity']) if not self.check_lotw_activity: url = self.config['files']['lotw_activity_url'] print("The file " + self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity'] + " is missing.") print("Trying to download " + url) self.download_file(url, self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity']) self.check_lotw_activity = exists(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_activity']) if self.check_lotw_activity: print("File successfully downloaded") else: print("something went wrong while downloading " + url) def get_confirmed_entities(self): """Reads the file downloaded from LotW with all confirmed QSOs, extracts all confirmed DXCCs and puts them into a list""" ret = [] with open(self.config_dir + self.config['files']['lotw_confirmed'], \ encoding='us-ascii') as file: for row in file: if re.search("")[2].lower().rstrip() if dxcc not in ret: ret.append(dxcc) return ret def check_lotw(self, call): """Reads the LotW user activity file and returns the date of the last upload date if a specific call sign""" ret = "" for row in self.lotw_activity: if call == row[0]: ret = row[1] return ret return ret def get_cty_row(self, call): """Parses all CTY records, tries to find the DXCC entity of a specific call sign and returns the line as a list of strings""" done = False while not done: for row in self.cty: entities = row[9].replace(";", "").replace("=", "").split(" ") # TODO: Check if it is a speciall call (=) and mark it in the list for prefix in entities: if call == prefix: return row call = call[:-1] if call == "": return ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"] return None def get_spots(self): """Connects to the specified telnet dx cluster, performs a login, grabs the output row by row, enriches it with data""" with Telnet(self.config['cluster']['host'], int(self.config['cluster']['port']), \ int(self.config['cluster']['timeout'])) as telnet: while True: line_enc = telnet.read_until(b"\n") # Read one line try: #line = line_enc.decode('ascii') line = line_enc.decode('utf-8') except: print("Error while encoding the following line:") print(line_enc) # Enters the call sign if requested if "enter your call" in line: b_user = str.encode(self.config['cluster']['user']+"\n") telnet.write(b_user) # Detects the beginning of the stream elif " Hello " in line: print(line) # This is true for every line representing a spot elif "DX de" in line or "Dx de" in line: try: # Extract all necessary fields from the line and store them # into different variables. call_de = re.search('D(X|x) de (.+?): ', line).group(2) freq = re.search(': +(.+?) ', line).group(1) call_dx = re.search(freq + ' +(.+?) ', line).group(1) #time = re.search('[^ ]*$', line).group(0)[0:4] time = re.search(' (\d{4})Z', line).group(1) comment = re.search(call_dx + ' +(.+?) +' + time, line).group(1) # If the CTY file is available, further information will be # gathered from it, e.g. continent, country, dxcc ID if self.check_cty: cty_details = self.get_cty_row(call_dx) else: cty_details = ["-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"] areaname = cty_details[1] continent = cty_details[3] # If the LotW user activity file is available and the call # sign in question is actually a LotW user, we'll add a (L) # to the message if self.check_lotw_activity and self.check_lotw(call_dx): lotw = " (L) " else: lotw = " " # Removes the trailing .0 from a frequency for better readability freq = freq.replace('.0', '') msg = "{}: {} de {} {} {} ({}){}{}"\ .format(time, call_dx, call_de, freq, areaname, continent, lotw, comment) dapnet_json = json.dumps({"text": msg, "callSignNames": \ [self.config['dapnet']['dapnet_callsigns']], \ "transmitterGroupNames": [self.config['dapnet']['dapnet_txgroup']], \ "emergency": False}) cf = call_dx+freq hash_entry = hashlib.md5(cf.encode()) # If the DX station's entity hasn't been worked/confirmed via # LotW yet, the message will be sent to the dapnet API if hash_entry.hexdigest() not in self.cache.keys() and \ self.check_lotw_confirmed and self.config['lotw']['user'] != "N0CALL" \ and cty_details[2] not in self.confirmed_entities: response = requests.post(self.config['dapnet']['dapnet_url'], \ data=dapnet_json, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(\ self.config['dapnet']['dapnet_user'],\ self.config['dapnet']['dapnet_pass'])) self.cache[hash_entry.hexdigest()] = cf print("!!! Sent to DAPNET: {} Response: {}".format(msg, response)) else: print(" Not sent to DAPNET: {}".format(msg)) except AttributeError: print(line) def main(): """main routine""" try: dx_pager = DXPager() dx_pager.get_spots() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": try: sys.exit(main()) except EOFError: pass